I was stunned once we finally arrived, it wasn't hard to locate where the party was. The top floor had a wrap around balcony that was packed with people.

"This is so not our scene," I comically mumbled.

"That just makes it all that more fun." Ricky grinned before turning into a parking spot. Once we began walking in Ricky linked his arm with mine.


"Why not act like royalty tonight?" He said as he held the front door open for me.

The lobby looked straight out of the titanic, chandlers hung low from the ceiling and classical music played lowly in the background. We reached the elevator and headed for the penthouse level.

"Woah." I breathed out as the elevator doors opened and revealed a sight for sore eyes.

"I thought they said this was a small party?" Ricky reminded me as we slowly walked in.

Various servers walked the floor with trays filled with glasses of champagne. Several unrecognizable people flooded the area dressed in tuxedos and gorgeous gowns. I felt underdressed, I didn't realize I was attending The Grammy's.

"Alice!" Teddy came into my view and threw he arms around me. "I'm so glad you guys could make it!"

"Thank you for having us, the place is incredible." I put on a bright smile and picked up a glass of champagne from a tray near by.

"You two enjoy yourselves." Teddy winked before running off to greet other guests.

My heels clicked against the glass floor as Ricky and I walked through the penthouse. We were given a few confused stares, I guess everyone here was familiar with each other.

"I should probably ask," Ricky's voice drew me out of my daze. "Are you planning on telling Teddy and Ronnie what you do for a living?"

I hadn't thought about that, there's a chance that telling them could end very poorly but I felt I could trust them.

"Maybe, if they ask I might." I answered and he just nodded his head.

We made our way out to the balcony as the sun was just beginning to set. I rested my arms on the ledge as I starred out into the horizon, I heard the infamous lighter click beside me.

"We're gonna get lung cancer by the time we're 30." I said jokingly although it would probably be our cause of death. Despite the horrifying idea, I took the cigarette into my mouth.

"That isn't very lady like." An unknown voice spoke out to me, Ricky and I both turned to the stranger who turned out to not be a stranger at all. The cigarette fell from my fingers and my jaw hung open in a result of shock.


Colton Vander, I don't think first love is something I'd label him as, he was more of a first mistake. Colton was the first and last guy I ever dated. Our relationship was a very complicated, bipolar one. One day we'd pretend each other don't exist and the other, we'd be slummin' it in bed together. We were doomed from the start, I cut him off the day I left for Las Vegas and I haven't even thought about him since.

"Who is he?" Ricky whispered quietly to me.

"Colton, Ex-boyfriend." I answered.

I moved my attention back to Colton, "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in an unplanned harsh tone.

"You aren't the only one who's friends with Teddy and Ronnie. Don't look too upset kitten, I know you missed me." He held a smug expression, he leaned in for a hug.

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