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bold/ (bold) is author comment/note

Italic= thoughts, things heard from the enhance hearing ability, and mind link

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Here is another chapter. I hope you like it. Enjoy!!!


3rd POV

The McCall pack and Layla and Theo met at the animal clinic. Deaton decided to close the clinic early for today when he saw the pack come in with Theo and a girl, which is probably Scott's true mate since her eyes are glowing purple and Scott's eyes are red.

"Hello, what can I help you guys with?" Deaton asked the pack.

"We were wondering if you know about a creature that feeds on negativity," Scott asked. Deaton thought for a second before he walked to a bookshelf and pulled out a big book. He placed the book on the operation table. The title read "Supernatural Beings" He turned to the middle of the book.

"Let's see," Deaton said as he went down the left, "Here it is", stopping at the right page. The pack and Layla and Theo gather around the table to get a look at the book. On the top of the page, there was a picture of a creature.

 On the top of the page, there was a picture of a creature

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

picture not mine, credit to owner*

"The creature you guys are talking sounds like a Sceetryon (ski-tree-an)"

"What the hell is a Sceetryon (ski-tree-an)?" Stiles asked.

"Well, a Sceetryon (ski-tree-an) is a fairy-like tiny creature that feeds on and causes negativity. It also seduces men and kills them. These are how she gains and grows powerful. Also, it is how she survives. They can't survive with their body only. She was captured by the wild hunt since you guys opened a rift to get Hayden out, you guys release her." Everyone nodded in understanding that they brought the Sceetryon (ski-tree-an) to Beacon Hills.

"We are the cause of the damage that is going to happen," Theo said, Layla nodded in agreement, but everyone else ignored him.

"You said that she doesn't survive with her body only, then how does it survive?" Scott asked.

"They possess someone. They can only possess females, but that female has to have so much negativity and a heartbreak."

"So, we are looking for a female. Do you know how to know who is possessed by the Sceetryon (ski-tree-on)?" Liam asked. Deaton looked down at the page,

"When she is inhaling the negativity, her eyes shift from normal to black. Also, her weakness is silver and when she comes in contact with it, she burns and it reveals her true eyes which are cat-like."

"Okay, so silver is how we defeat it," Sties said. Deaton shook his head.

"Not quite. The way to defeat it is to break the possession. You have to get the Sceetryon (ski-tree-an) out of the person's body and trap it in a silver jar. Someone has to talk or get through to the person to break free of the possession. The only person to do that is the possession person's lover or mate if the person is a supernatural being. To kill the Sceetryon (ski-tree-an) is to drown it in silver." Deaton explained as everybody nodded in understanding.

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