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bold/ (bold) is author comment/note

Italic= thoughts and mind link/conversation

Here is another chapter. I hope you still like it. Enjoy!!!


3rd POV

Somewhere in the Beacon Hills tunnel

Liam and Hayden were inside the tunnel with Liam carrying the sword that belonged to Kira. He was trying to bring Theo back. He could help with the fight. Hayden didn't think it was a good idea, "Liam, are you sure about this. I don't think Scott will like this. You know Theo can't be trusted."

"I know, but we need more people to help with the fight. He will be my responsibility" Liam said as he raised the sword

. "Liam, Wait!" Hayden shouted still thinking it's a bad idea, but it was too late. Liam already put the sword in the ground. They heard and saw the ground opening. They saw Theo's clawed hand pop out and grabbed the edge to pull himself out of the hole. Theo stood up, his eyes yellow, and his fangs out. He shifted, walking to Liam and Hayden and said, "Well, I'm fine, by the way. Thank you for your concern."

"You don't have Josh's power anymore, do you?" Liam asked. Hayden went to Theo and grabbed his hand to look at his claws. Theo pulled his hand back, and Hayden said, "Or Tracy's."

"Guess I'm back to classic Theo"

"Maybe you should try some remorse since you killed them for their powers," Liam said.

"I just put them back the way I found them."

"Okay, send him back," Hayden said to Liam. Liam moved so he can send Theo back, but Theo stopped him saying, "Hold on, I can help"

"I know about the Wild Hunt from the Dread Doctors. I also know about things, I'm betting you don't"

"We can find things out without your help, but we could use your help fighting the Wild hunt," Liam said, "If you double-cross us, I'm sending you back. Got it"

"Got it. I won't even think about it"

"You better not," Liam said, "Let get out of it". They made their way out of the tunnel.

Somewhere at the Police Station

Layla was inside the police station, specifically her dad's office. She was there to ask him if he can help with the fight with the Wild Hunt. Well, she more here to give him his forgotten lunch, but she might as well ask him about that.

"Thanks for bringing me my lunch, sweetie," her dad said thankfully, "Was there anything thing you went to ask.

"Well, yes. My mate asked me to ask you if you will be willing to help them with the fight against the Wild hunt"

"When will the fight take place?"

"Tomorrow night in the woods"

"Ok, I will be able to help"

"Okay, I will tell him that," Layla said back, "I will see you later"

"Okay, bye sweetie"

"Bye," Layla said as she left his office and out of the station. As she was putting her car keys in the lock to unlock her car, she saw her bracelet that lost it's shine last year, started to shine again. She paused and dropped her car keys. She pulled her bracelet closer to her eyes to make sure it's shining and it's not her imagination. It wasn't her imagination, it's shinning. Tears started to fall from her eyes. Does this mean that Theo is alive again? She thought. I have to go tell Mom about this. She picked up her car keys and unlocked her car. She got in and started to make her way to her house.

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