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bold/ (bold) is author comment/note

Italic= thoughts, things heard from the enhance hearing ability, and mind link

Here is another chapter. It's longer than I intend it to be, but I hope you still like it. Enjoy!!!


3rd POV

Lydia was the first to wake up and get ready. She looked at the time it read 7:15 and Malia is still asleep, which is odd since she is always up by seven. She walked to Malia's room and opened the door to wake her, but she was already up and dressed. "Um, you're up already"


"What time did you get up anyway, I didn't even hear you make a sound."

"I was up at 6 and I tried to be as quiet as possible" Malia replied as Lydia nodded being suspicious of her since Malia is never quiet when getting ready. "Well, let's get to school then. We will eat poptarts on our way there since we don't have time for actual breakfast." They made their way out of Malia's room and each grabbed a poptart and went out the door to Lydia's car. They were on their way to school. The ride was very quiet, which is odd. From the corner of her eyes, Lydia saw that Malia was smirking evilly, which was kind of freaking her out. "Hey Malia, are you okay?" Malia stopped smirking and looked at her said,

"Yea, I'm alright; I'm just happy that we defeated the wild hunt"

Lydia nodded, still creeped out by her behavior since she was still smirking but less evilly. They made it to school. "Let's create some chaos" Malia whispered and Lydia heard it. "What did you say?"

"Oh, I said let's go meet our friends" Malia lied, but Lydia knew that was not what she said. She just nodded and got out of the car along with Malia. They walked to their friends sitting at their table outside. Lydia sat next to Stiles who was sitting next to Theo and on the other side there was Scott with Layla on his right, both wearing sunglasses. Malia sat on his left. She saw that they were holding hands from this girl's memories, they are supposed to be mates. She smirked and grabbed Scott's other hand and held it. She pulled him towards her. He turned towards her and she smiled at him batting her eyes. She saw that his mate frowned, which made her happy. She inhaled her negativity closing her eyes and felt herself getting stronger. When she opened her eyes she saw his mate caught on since her eyes widened, and she controlled and fixed her emotions and was looking around. I got to be careful around her.

"Malia, can I talk to her?" Scott asked her. She nodded and let go of him as he stood up letting go of his mate's hand. They walked a few meters away from the group. "What did you wanted to talk about?"

"Um, well, I wanted to break up," Scott said softly and she frowned. "Why?"

"Well, I found my mate and you know what would happen if I reject her. I'm sorry"

"It's fine. I understand" Malia replied without an argument since it will expose her, but inside she is plotting a way to seduce and kill him since it would be harder now. "We are still friends right?" It would be easier if I'm around him a lot.

"Okay we are, why wouldn't we be," Scott said, frowning. Malia nodded. As they were making their way back to the table the bell rang. Everyone made their way to class. Scott grabbed his mate's hand and walked inside the build.

~Timeskip Lunchtime~

Lydia and Layla walked into the cafeteria. Lydia went to get her lunch. Layla went to their table since she brought lunch from home because she hates the cafeteria food after eating it on her first day. She sat at their table next to her mate and held his hand to allow him to open his eyes. As soon as she sat down, she saw Theo walk in. She shouted his name and waved at him to come to sit with them. Stiles gave Scott a look, but Scott shocked his head. He didn't want to make his mate sad. They had to put up with Theo since he is his mate's brother. Theo hesitated to come since he knows that the pack doesn't trust and hate him, but Layla kept waving at him to come with an assuring smile. He only sat with them in the morning because Layla made him. He had no choice but to go with slow steps and he went to the table. He stood next to the table not knowing where to sit. Layla patted the spot next to her and he sat next to her. He sat his lunch made by Mrs. Irving on the table began to eat it calmly as Lydia came to sit next to Stiles. Lydia felt the tension at the table, so she decided to loosen it up.

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