363 7 0

Dad= Bold and italic
Stiles= Normal and underline
Scott= Bold and underline
Deaton= Normal
bold is author comment/note
Italic= Lay's thoughts and mind conservation

This whole chapter is mostly dialogues


"True mates?"

"Yeah, but I haven't heard of true mates for hundred years. There was only one true mate 200 hundred years ago."

"What happened to them?"

"Well, they created a pack that was strong, stronger than the pack pack of alphas. They protected Beacon Hills and the people from evil supernatural beings. Just the two of them alone can take down 3 packs all at once. Every pack respected them expect one member of a pack, their own pack. The beta of the alpha was so jealous of his alpha that he killed him in a battle against enemy pack unexpectedly, but he didn't get away with the killing because the alpha's mate, who was a werefox, killed him right after. She didn't get to live that long since true mates can't live very long after their mate dies."

"Wow, what happened to Beacon Hills after they died?"

"Beacon Hills became chaotic, so many people were being killed by evil beings since the pack lost all hope and separated leaving Beacon Hills with no protectors. There were only evil beings living in Beacon Hills. This is when the co-exist of supernatural beings and humans was lost."

"There was a time when supernatural beings and humans lived in harmony? How did it became what it is today?"

"Yes, there was. Beacon Hills was chaotic until the Hale pack settled there. They defeated all the evil beings and rebuild the town. They hard to hide who they were when humans started to live there again because of the lost of the co-exist with them"

"Well, that's enough of the history of Beacon Hills. Can you explain more about true mates?

"Yeah, only alphas can have true mates. They can have any supernatural creatures as a true mate. True mates are very strong. As I said before, they don't live long after their mate dies. True mates don't happen that often. Alphas can tell they have a true mate by the glowing pink or purple in their mates' eyes. If someone has glowing pink eyes that means they are in the presence of their alpha mate. If someone has glowing purple eyes that means they are in the presence of their true alpha mate. When alphas are in the presence of their true mates, their eyes would be red without their control. This happens until they both are no longer in the presence of their mate."

(Mind conversation w/ dad)

"Guess we don't have to finish our conversation about true mates anymore"

"I guess we don't"

(End of mind conversation)

"So, that means she's my true mate"

"Yea, but if she's your mate, does that mean she's a shifter?"


~Timeskip to meeting~

My dad with me in his arms, my mate, and the human walked inside a house. When we got inside, my dad put me on the couch after he had gotten permission of course.

"So, what's the danger that is going to come next and how do you know?"


"So that's his name. Good to know. I don't have to keep calling the human"

"What, isn't that's why we are having this meeting?"

The Alpha's Hybrid MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora