A necessary divorce

Start from the beginning

two days later, Harry was in the process of lifting some objects with his wild magic when he heard a loud laugh.
Startled, he turned to the sound.
what he saw made him doubt everything he had previously believed to be true.
His teacher laughed out loud. He had the Daily Prophet in front of him and it was obvious that he couldn't get along.
"Professor, are you okay?"
severus just nodded and continued laughing. It wasn't until a minute later that he had himself under control again to be able to speak.
"Can you tell me what's so funny on this scrap sheet?"
Severus grinned at him.
"Lucius divorced his impossible wife."
Harry cocked his head. He knew from his book that divorce was very rare in the magical world. There had to be a serious reason. lack of love didn't count. And if Mr. Malfoy got divorced, his wife had owed herself something.
“On June fifth, Draco turned thirteen. What does this number mean? "
Harry thought for a moment, that was also in the etiquette book.
“Oh yes, he gets the family ring from his guardian. And also valuable gifts and money. "
“Exactly, as a sponsor I should have been there that day. but I couldn't because I had to get ingredients for an important potion. It's a shame, I guess I missed a lot. "
Again the boy cocked his head, just like the dog.
"What went wrong? As far as I know, there are always special spells on these rings. One, for example, ensures that only family members can wear it. The ring would reject anyone else.
Wait a minute! "
Severus nodded with a grin.
“Yes, apparently Draco is not Lucius' son. The ring threw the boy across the room. "
"Oh shit. Um, I mean. "
“It's okay, Narcissa will have thought the same thing too. as it is in the newspaper, she probably cheated on her husband with more than one man. And I've always asked myself why he looks so little like his father. "
"And what does it all mean now?"
"Very easily. narcissa and her son were kicked out of the manor. In addition, Lucius has requested that the boy's real father be found. He then has to repay Lucius the money that he paid for Draco's schooling. "
"Even if he doesn't know about his fatherhood?"
“Yes, after all, he slept with a married woman. He'll have to compensate Lucius for that too. and not just him, I'm sure Lucius will demand redress from anyone Narcissa shared the sheet with. "
"What if these men can't pay it?"
“They will, Narcissa would never have bothered with men who couldn't offer her anything. Presumably it cost the woman some gold. "

Harry shook it, that was disgusting.
Severus watched the boy closely. he liked the way his student reacted. Cheating was a very high rule violation in the magic community. With that one could lose one's entire social position.
"By the way, there's something else in the newspaper."
the boy looked up curiously.
"You remember Riddle's diary?"
Harry contented himself with a growl and a bitter expression.
“I take this as a yes. You assumed that Lucius read the book in MsWeasley's cauldron? "
"Yes, after all, Mr. Malfoy had to deal with black magic artifacts in a shop before."
"True, but it wasn't Lucius."
The boy's eyes widened.
“Malfoy! I mean Draco? "
Severus nodded.
"And it looks like he didn't have the book from his, alleged, father either."
"He took it with him in the store."
Harry's eyes got bigger and bigger, but he didn't understand one thing.
"If that's true, why didn't anyone know?"
“Think about it. If your child did something like that, would you give it away? "
The boy didn't have to think about it, he shook his head.
"So did Mr. Malfoy take the blame?"
"Looks like. But he no longer has to. he has meanwhile also named the shopkeeper. "
"But he is admitting that he has sold prohibited items."
“Not forbidden, rather not approved. But that's still better than its cracked reputation. Back then, to protect Draco, he even bribed and threatened the parent representatives. He has now got his post again. Everyone understands their motives. "

Harry thought about the whole thing. So Draco was a cuckoo's egg? hopefully he would finally get off his high horse now.
And now he understood the blond's strange behavior in the Slytherin room. The guy knew perfectly well that Harry wasn't the heir. Bastard.
suddenly something occurred to Harry.
"Oh god, I took Mr. Malfoy from his house-elves."
Severus started laughing again. Harry looked at Blacky, but the dog didn't seem to know what was going on either.
"You have even done Lucius a service."
"As the?"
"Very easily. As you correctly saw earlier, children receive very valuable gifts on their thirteenth birthday. That is, if the parents can afford it. It has always been a tradition in the Malfoy family to give a house-elf. This is schooled by the father for the child according to his wishes. "
"You mean more likely to be used with blows." The boy grumbled.
Severus sighed.
“As I said, this is about the child's wishes. Draco wanted an elf who obeyed his every word and who he could hit as much as he wanted.
Lucius usually behaves very differently to his elves. for example, they even get a salary. And he certainly does not torment her. "
"Then why did he make an exception with Dobby?"
“Because my good friend is very fond of tradition. Sometimes too much, if you ask me. it would never have occurred to him to violate this when Dobby started school. But it was always too much for him. He apologized to Dobby several times. As a result, however, the little one got strong remorse. they have led to Dobby injuring himself for every little offense. "
“I've already noticed that. He even ironed his fingers. "
Severus shook himself.
“Anyway. by freeing Dobby, you made Lucius very happy. He just told Draco he would give him his house elf for his birthday. "
Now Harry was grinning too.
“That's why Mr. Malfoy disappeared so quickly. I thought because he was so angry, he just didn't want to show how happy he is. "
The teacher nodded.

Somehow, Harry was happy to realize that Lucius Malfoy wasn't that bad after all. but with the best will in the world he couldn't say why.
Blacky also let out a relieved breath. For a short time his fur stood on end. The very thought Lucius could have turned so badly into a negative would not have pleased him at all. at least some still seemed to be the same.
That was also true of Narcissa, however. The woman had always had her eyes glued to every man.
Well, now she had got the receipt.
suddenly he realized that he was being watched.

Severus had been keeping an eye on Blacky the whole time. He had noticed it over and over the past few days, but now it was clear.
"Potter, get on with your practice. I'll go into the garden with your monster. "
The boy looked at his teacher in surprise.
"Um, yes good. Thanks."
"Come with Blacky."
With a bad feeling the dog did just that. Hopefully it would go well .

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