"My thoughts exactly," I said as if it was something that should've surprised us. Ha.

We sat in silence for a few seconds, neither of us really knowing where to start. There was so much to say. Of course there would be, we hadn't seen each other in almost ten years. But neither of us knew how to say it.

"You've grown your beard out," I blurt, becoming uncomfortable with silence.

"I know," He joked sarcastically. "Do I look okay with it?"

Oh what kind of a fucking question was that, Eric? You would really ask me that?

"You look alright," I mumbled. "I kinda like you better all shaved."

"That's why I grew it out,"

"Right," I rolled my eyes and wondered if I should just leave. Five minutes after almost no connection for ten years, with the guy I used to call my soulmate, and it couldn't be going worse.

I mean, I was at his anniversary party for fuck's sake. He was married to a girl that wasn't me. Maybe I just shouldn't have shown up at all.

"I think I'm gonna get going then," I stood up but decided to not walk anywhere, waiting for what the man in front of me would say.

"No, I'm sorry," He announced and I could tell he was starting to come to his senses a bit. "You should stay."

Why? There was nothing here for me.

"It's just been a while and I would really hate it if we left off on a bad note. Again." He read my mind.

"Alright," I responded and sat back down, not really sure what to say to that.

He walked a bit closer to me so that I could hear him if he whispered, which was probably for the best, just in case Pattie or someone like that walked out on us. Nothing was going to happen of course, but you know how people talk...

"How've you been then?" He asked.

"Pretty okay," I was unsure of my own answer. "You?"

"Same here," Of course it was.

An awkward silence fell over us again and this time, I wasn't sure how to resolve it.

"I'm really sorry," He spoke out of nowhere and I turned my head in shock.

"For what?" I was the one who did everything.

"Just for how things ended,"

"I was the one who ended it," I said what was on my mind. "Maybe I should be the one apologizing."

"Maybe you should,"

God, what was happening here? One moment he said he wanted me to stay, but then the next he was criticizing me? Not to say I didn't deserve it, I probably did. But I wasn't going to sit around and just accept that. I was going to leave.

"Eric, what the hell?" I put my face in my hands and then dragged them through my hair. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't find the energy or desire to.

"What? Maybe you should apologize with the way things ended," Everything was out into the open. No walls between us now.

"Is that why you invited me here tonight? Just to say sorry for something that happened almost ten years ago?"

"Not exactly. No,"

"Right, then you must've invited me here to rub your marriage in my face," I couldn't help but roll my eyes as he approached me even more.

"I invited you here because you wanted to see me happy. Or at least you said you did in your letter," He emphasized it with such anger.

"God, the letter," I felt my stomach drop and wasn't sure if I had said the statement out loud or not.

"Yeah, the letter." I had.

"Eric, it was so long ago,"

"Not long enough to forget it. Not long enough to forget the pain after realizing you couldn't even bear to break-up with me in person. You had to put it in a fucking letter,"

"I-" I wanted to speak but I also wanted to see where this built-up rage was going. It had been so long, and I knew he had a lot to say.

"Do you even know how hurt I was, Claire?"

"Yeah, I felt the same thing. I cried while writing it, I wasn't just heartless about it,"

"I already knew that. I ran my fingers over your dried-up tear marks daily. Desperately trying to hold on to a piece of you. But now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have tried so hard," He spat and moved his hands around while talking.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I was taken-aback but tried to not look phased, taking another drag of my cigarette in order to do so.

"That if I just hadn't cared about so much, or if I hadn't cared at all, I wouldn't have gone through all that shit. And you would've been out of my life for the better,"

I paused and pressed my lips together all while throwing the cigarette on the mulch and stomping on it. I tried so hard not to cry, but didn't know if Eric could see me in this light anyways. No bad note, my ass.

"It really would've been better if I'd been out of your life? If we'd never met?"

"Yes," He answered without hesitation. I swore I heard a tremble in his voice, but it could've just been my mind playing tricks on me, hoping that it would get the response it wanted.

"I guess I really should be getting out of here, then," I sadly laughed to myself and felt a few tears fall out of my eyes. But again, I didn't move.

Instead I went back through all the memories I had with the man in front of me. So many to choose from, and so many good ones. More than bad ones, I was sure of it. But maybe we just had different recollections of the past. And he was right, maybe that was for the better.

I felt my legs get up by themselves, my brain sending no signal for them to do so. As I did this, I turned to my left, watching as Eric stepped even closer to me. I felt his breath on my face and his hand touch my arm. I was so confused as to where all of this was leading.

"I wanted you out of my life because- because I hate what you do to me," He stuttered over his words.

I sighed and let my eyes run down to his lips, internally hating myself for doing so.

"I mean, here I am, married. And I still want you. So bad," The man laughed to himself but I couldn't bring myself to do the same.

"I think it would've been better if we'd just never met," I say all of a sudden, not sure how we got into this mess.

I loved him, I really did. And he knew that, of course he did. But he was married. He had been for a while now.

But the connection we had. As cheesy as it sounds, it couldn't keep us apart. He didn't have that with Pattie. And I knew that, of course I did.

"You think so?" He began to lean in.

"No," Our lips connected. And we both knew that it was all a lie.

Thanks for reading! -Liz :)

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