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Aokiji opened the door and stepped into his office when his eyes landed on (y/n) who was sat up at the desk with her back to him.

"Where were you?" She didn't even need to turn around to hear that the man had entered the room as he made his way towards her, slinging his strong arms around her and burying his face into the crook of her neck. He never replied so (y/n) sighed loudly.

"So now you're just going to ignore me."

"I just went back to my apartment for something."

It was unusual for the admiral to make his way back home, so it made (y/n) wonder. She herself also almost never went back to her accommodation, considering it consisted of mainly men. Each marine had either a family house alongside their family, a share house if you were a marine with no family, but if you were so lucky to be a higher up; you could have a close by apartment. But (y/n) only had her share house, even if she was a vice.

"So convincing. And here I thought we would have nothing between us. Might as well take up Sakazuki on that offer of lunch if-"

Aokiji gripped his nose's bridge with his thumb and forefinger, sighing as he stood up. (Y/n) also standing and walking towards the door, glaring at him.

"Arara... Look, (y/n)," he turned and pulled her into his chest.

(Y/n) huffed and placed her hand up in a fist with golden half-molten liquid of caramel seeping in between her fingers. He realised her threat and reached out to grab her hand, encasing it in ice before she could act.

"Don't you threaten me. I won't tell you why I went because I'm trying to keep you safe."

(Y/n) clicked her tongue as the ice melted, dripping down her sleeve as Aokiji held her tighter.

"Like you care."

"I do, that's why." She laughed his statement off and was about to shake him off when a marine burst through the door, saluting as Aokiji looked at him. (Y/n)'s face went red as her eyes connected with the marines, his eyes averting as if he felt he shouldn't have been there.

"Aokiji, sir. This is a summon from Admiral Akainu for (y/n)-san to come to his office." Aokiji raised his eyebrow while (y/n) finally pushed herself out of his grip, walking forward to take the door by the handle and leave; looking over her shoulder at Aokiji who put his hands in his pockets.

"We'll finish this discussion later." The marine looked between the two with a concerned look as Aokiji just waved to the woman who left out the door into the hallway, making her way to the other admiral's office.

'Geez... both Kuzan and Sakazuki are annoying me today. Why couldn't it have been Borsalino-san to call me when he has amazing snacks in his office all the time, why!'

Aokiji gazed at the marine until he got the message to leave, giving the admiral his space as he sat back down. He knew he needed to keep an eye on her.

"Kuzan I'm serious. If we find out that she isn't who we think she is by any chance, it's you who'll be condemned."

The man sighed as he remembered the words of his co-worker, the letters etched in his mind. Why of all people was he protecting a pirate? She always gave him such trouble.


Akainu's office was similar to Aokiji's except his was far tidier and the decorations being neat stacks of paper on his desk. The woman closed the door behind her and walked into the room, sitting in the chair at one side of the wall.

"Sorry, sir. I was just-"

"I need to talk to you." (Y/n)'s eye twitched as the admiral cut right across her words, his lips curling slightly into a smirk around his cigar as he observed her annoyed expression with great amusement.

'If mama ever feels like knocking someone cold, I'll give her some recommendations.'

"Right well, I'm here." In her mind, silence was usually a comfortable thing. But as the older man stared at her from under his marine branded cap,
(y/n) felt herself tense.

"I had a talk with both Sengoku and Kuzan,"
Akainu leaned back in his chair, gazing as the woman shifted her features into a glower, "we as a whole would like you to finalise the details on your profile. You see,"

'Kuzan, damn you. I know where you went.'

"We seem to worry about your New World origin. It isn't usual for someone so young to have made it to Paradise from there."

"I was picked up by the Navy from outside my island, I lived with my mother before she left the country after my father died, leaving me alone. Unfortunately, civil war had just broken out in the country, that is when I had to escape."

The room was still when it was broken by Akainu chuckling, placing one leg over the other.

"Oh? Kuzan had told me you were an orphan who didn't know her parents at all."

(Y/n)'s eyes went wide momentarily, the action not being missed by Akainu as she tried to compose herself. He had made up a lie and him not mentioning it to her cost her one.

"So either he lied or you both did," he tapped his cigar on the ashtray, "that could cost you both your jobs."

While (y/n) was still silent, Akainu got up out of his chair and walked over to the window, his back turned to her and the proud 'justice' on his coat displaying to her.

"That's all I need. The offer for dinner still stands. Good day, vice admiral."



Author's Notes

This story is going BAD but we gunna ignore and I'll do a longer chapter next time.

In stories I think all authors can agree there is a stall in a few chapters which are hard to write, for me it was this chapter and last. Just because it's the time after the big secret is revealed and is just in the middle of the plot so yeah hahahaha.

- TransponderSnail

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