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It never changed. How when a sibling would come back from a mission and the inhabitants of the main island of Whole Cake Island would cheer and praise them. Rows of her siblings and of the citizens lined the main road which (y/n) walked down; a cloak of orange over her shoulders as she held her head high.




From the people and siblings came shouts of joy as she made her way up to the main path which opened up to the massive doors of the Chateau.

A small child ran out in front of the woman, stopping and gazing up at her. The parents of the little boy gasped and the father dashed out, gripping his son by the shoulders as (y/n) stared coldly down at him.

"(Y/n)-sama, I-I-m sorry! He's only-"

The man began stuttering and took a step back as (y/n) began to crouch, the boy beginning to look scared. The father closed his eyes as the mother went to him when, to their surprise, (y/n) held out her hand. The boy looked at her curiously before down at her palm where a small dragon made of the sweetest caramel had formed before his eyes.

"Go on, take it." At her words, the tiny child took the masterpiece with tentative words as the onlookers grew quiet from the parent's shocked reactions as (y/n) stood back up and carried on walking. And the crowd burst out again.

"Ah, the Minister of Pumpkin's caramel! How very lucky, young boy!"

"Kyaaaa! (y/n)-samaa!"

But as the crowd had begun to disappear from view, the massive doors to the home of the emperor herself stood before the chess soldiers and the woman. Guards opened the massive threshold as (y/n) walked in, someone she recognised on the other side as her eyes lit up.

"Smoothie-neesan!" With her white hair flowing down her back, the tall and older woman gave a huge smile at her sister.

"Seems you have grown, (y/n)." Giving a smile herself, (y/n) walked forward and began to make small talk with the sweet commander.

They talked of how the time had flown and how everyone was so excited to see the woman come back. They only stopped when Smoothie had turned to a chess solider.

"Take (y/n)'s belongings up to the room she is staying with." The tiny men saluted as (y/n) gave a confused look to her older sister. Smoothie looked back at her and then walked forward.

"Mama wants to see you."

Evening had turned to night as (y/n) lay in the middle of the bed she was staying in for the night. The room was high up in the chateau and also large, a king sized bed spanning the back wall along with a beautifully fitted bathroom out a door at the side.
Rolling over, she closed her eyes. (Y/n) had spoken with her mother and remembered her words.

"Mamamama! My daughter," a cinnamon roll lay singing as the massive lady picked it up and ate it whole, "it is nice to have you back!"

(Y/n) was stood in front of her with Perospero at her side. They only had a moment to greet each other when Big Mom decided to speak.

"Thank you, mama." She kept her words short and simple, but Big Mom knew something was different as she hummed and peered down at the young woman.

"How did it go? Easy job, I see?" Even if to normal people it was a big ask, for a Charlotte it was child's play.

(Y/n) felt her heart yell at her when she began to reply, looking up at the woman she called mother.

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