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"Kuzan? Hey!"

(Y/n) shook the man's shoulders as he lay across his desk fast asleep - the tired man not budging even an inch.

"Right, well I have to go without telling you then." Clicking her tongue, the vice admiral picked up the sheets of blueprints closest to her before quietly making her way across the room.

The door opened with a creak, so (y/n) quickly shot through it and out into the almost empty corridor. Only a few subordinates and co-workers wandered about, giving a quick hello or a salute as she made her way down the main corridor to where she was heading.

'I better go and pick up the other sheets from my own office...'

"(Y/n)!" At the call of her name, (y/n) pivoted to see a old man with a massive grin on his face: Garp.

"Oh, hello, Garp-san." She bowed lightly as he stood in front of her, giving a chuckle.

"No need to be formal, girl! We're friends after all, right?" He slapped her on the back in a friendly manner, sending her jolting a few feet forwards.
(Y/n) sweat dropped with an awkward smile, rubbing her neck.

'I don't remember saying we were friends, but whatever floats your Navy battleship...'

Suddenly he leaned in, cupping his hand to the woman's ear, making her hum in confusion.

"I see you aren't with good ol' Kuzan, eh?" Garp laughed loudly and playfully jabbed her rib with his elbow with a wink, slightly winding her accidentally and almost making her drop her blueprints. (Y/n) sighed.

"Yeah, no. I was just going by my office before heading to-" She stopped mid sentence: thinking momentarily of Aokiji who won't be too happy she's out alone, also considering she had to make it quick, "I'm just quickly bobbing to my old department to drop off a few things." Garp nodded at her, giving a giant grin.

"Well, enjoy the day, (y/n). Got a lot to prepare for!"

The old vice admiral walked away, leaving his co-worker standing in the middle of the corridor to just blink in confusion.

'I'm not going to get anywhere, am I.'

The way there was relatively quiet, apart from a few others. (Y/n) had chosen to skip going to her office so made her way straight over to the Weaponry Department.

"Hello, sir I'm just-"

"(Y/n)? how are you!" She had just opened the door when her old superior came rushing towards her, everyone in the room also looking at the two.

'People just LOVE making my life harder... and slower.'

"Good, yeah." Closing the door behind her, the (h/c) woman walked in and placed the stacked blueprint sheets that were in her arms onto the man's desk, turning to him as he picked one up.

"I thought I would leave these with you, considering I have other jobs to deal- what?" With a confused look, (y/n) looked over to the man who smiled almost sadly, his arms crossed over as he shook his head.

"Sorry, (y/n). I just can't help but think how much you've changed. You're no longer so... skittish and odd."

'Was this meant to be a compliment or something to bash my past self over the head with?'

"Okay? Well I'm glad...?" (Y/n) gave him an off look as he chuckled - taking up the blueprints one by one and rolling them up so they fit in the upright storage beside the desk.

"Thank you for these, they're good. Less of the pumpkin grease too, but still there." (y/n) deadpanned as he let out a laugh.

The man gave a grin, "I'm glad the major meeting went well, I couldn't make it as I was out on duty unfortunately. Glad you could drop by, though!"

And finally, (y/n) smiled.

'Is it wrong to have a home away from home?'


The loud ringing of a den den mushi caused Aokiji to pry his eyes open, sitting upright from lying his head on his desk. His gaze slid to the ringing snail and then to the room in front. Gone.

'She knows she shouldn't be wandering around without me."

Aokiji rubbed his eyes before sighing at the thought of the missing woman. He would just look later considering someone was ringing him. His large hand clasped the receiver as the other held up his cheek on the desk.



Aokiji had made his way to a certain office only a few corridors round from his own as he sat in the chair opposite the desk where someone else sat: Akainu.

"I don't know why you asked me to come here, Sakazuki. You already know how busy I am preparing for this battle." Aokiji averted his gaze with a yawn as the other admiral just scoffed loudly.

"What, busy sleeping? I'm here to talk about something just as important." The tired man raised an eyebrow and hummed in inquisition at the ever-cold Akainu.

"There's something I find off about Vice Admiral
(y/n) and considering how close you two are, I thought I would ask you."

The icy man paused, his soft brown eyes narrowing at his equal.

"Off? Well I'm not catching on and think you're just being theatrical."

Akainu clicked his tongue at Aokiji's words, sending a harsh stare at his counterpart.

"I don't know what's going on, Kuzan, but you two are hiding something from the rest of us." Akainu said with bitter undertone.

"Sakazuki if you think we're in a relationship, we're not."

"I'm not talking about that. I spoke to Sengoku about (y/n)'s documents and we thought it was weird. The new world..."

Aokiji raised an eyebrow, leaning his elbows onto his knees comfortably. He knew damn well what was going on but he wasn't about to just tell Akainu and have (y/n) imprisoned when they had made a promise. He had to make some kind of believable lie.

"I can't say me and (y/n) have discussed our pasts but as far as I'm aware, she's an orphan who wound up in an island not far from the Red Line. She has never known her parents and doesn't know if she has siblings."

The man who sat in his leather chair lit up another cigar, inhaling and exhaling before tapping the tip against a nearby ashtray. Aokiji only stared at him as his mind began to wander off to where the woman had gone to.

"I see. However," Aokiji perked back up and flew back out of his thoughts as the other man spoke, "me and Sengoku had this same discussion only yesterday, so we both want her to confirm. It is crucial that can trust our marines."

'Sakazuki I doubt you have trusted me in your life.'

Aokiji ignored his sternness but got up from the chair he sat on to leave, giving a lazy wave to Akainu.

"Kuzan I'm serious. If we find out that she isn't who we think she is by any chance, it's you who'll be condemned." Akainu grumbled annoyedly.

'You're going to be the death of me, (y/n).'


01.01.2021 (happy new year, 明けましておめでとうございます)

Author's Notes

Yes, I wrote this on New Years.

As you can tell I have been writing this since early December despite not being overly proud of this book.

I hope those of you who read this are in fact enjoying the story and it isn't being too draggy or boring.


- TransponderSnail

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