Kassidy looked at Clem, watching the trusting expression on her face. If Clem felt like she could trust Pete, then so could she. He seemed like a good man. "Stay there, keep searching these," Pete spoke, looking at his nephew.

"This is a dumb idea," he responded, walking backward slowly.

"You know, Nick, I don't like this either," Pete sympathized, "but sooner or later you're going to have to realize a simple truth."

"What? That you're an asshole?"

"That nobody in this world is ever going to give a goddamn weather you like something or not. You gotta grow up, son."

"Come on girls," Pete called. "Wanna be useful? Keep a lookout on that tree line. Whoever did this might still be there. Looking for another sucker to stumble apon this mess."

"We're on it." Both girls agreed, Kass patting the top of Clem's hatted gead.

"You girls always so agreeable?" Pete asked.

Kassidy shrugged. "... It usually depends, but no."

"Good. You'll fit right in with this outfit. Keep your heads on straight." Suddenly there were groans, making the three walk over to a walker that had a pole poking out of it's chest. "Same deal."

"More bullet holes," Kass pointed out, looking up at Pete.

"Hope this isn't anyone you two know."

"No..." Clementine muttered sadly, Pete stabbing the walker's head with the pole.

"Damnit." Pete looked over at the other side. "More on that side. You check out the these ones." He went on to tell the girls what to identify them by before walking off.

Both girls stood still and looked at one another before they went their separate ways and started checking the bodies. Kass made sure none of them were still alive. Thankfully they weren't, so she checked their pockets and found next to nothing.

Kass sighed, "And this why I think we gotta leave sooner than later. We don't wanna get involved in whatever fucked shit these guys are in."

Clem shook her head, "Come on, Kass. They saved our lives. Sure, half of them don't trust us, but I think we can stay with them for a while. Plus, we won't make it out here by ourselves."

Kassidy thought on what she said and groaned after a moment, "Okay. We'll stay with them for a little while longer. But once their problems catch up with them, we're gonna have to pay the price."

'I wonder who this Carver guy is,' Kassidy thought, looking back to see Clementine looking over a body.

"Clem?" She walked toward her friend and stopped, noticing the purple bag. "Oh..." The capped girl nodded as she went for her bag, stopping when they both heard coughing. "Shit."

"What happened to you?" Clementine asked, looking at the man's face. Her eyes shifted up to Kass, who had a hand on her gun. "You were in the woods with Christa."

"The woman we were with, where is she?" Kass asked, curious to her whereabouts. If this guy survived then maybe Christa might have too.

"Please, tell us. Tell us!" Clem exclaimed, her eyes pleading.

"Please..." he gasped, pointing at Clem's open bag, a bottle of water inside.

Instead, Kassidy snatched the bag away, putting it on her shoulders. "Not until you tell us," she snapped, standing up.

Clem was surprised with her friend– she would've expected her to be kind to a dying man.


The girls jolted and turned around, watching as Pete backed away from a crawling walker, shooting it in the skull. Kass pulled her gun out after, knowing that there would be a lot more coming after that.

"Pete!" Nick exclaimed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" he shouted, looking down. "Just...Just lost my footing." Kassidy's eyes scanned to his feet, noticing the bloody bite. "Damnit, god damnit," he whispered, eyes hitting Kassidy's as she stared wide-eyed at him.

"Shit, Lurkers!" Nick exclaimed, shooting another that came from behind him.

"I'm out of ammo!" Pete yelled.

"Come this way!"

"Son of a bitch...damnit, you get your asses over here, all of you!" Pete's throat sounded constricted, the emotions swarming him. He was bitten.

"I'll cover you!"

"Kassidy," Clementine paused. "Go with Nick, I'm going to help Pete."

Kassidy's eyes widened in panic, "But Clem, he's-"

"I know!" the younger girl huffed. "Just go, I'll see you soon."

Kassidy looked at her in disbelief until her expression changed into one of steel. Clem knew what it meant– Don't fucking die.

She nodded and they both ran separate ways. They helped the men get walkers off of them, but there were too many preventing them from grouping back together.

Kassidy sighed. "Go, get outta here!" she exclaimed, looking over at the other side of the river.

"What?! No! I'm not leaving you!" Clem exclaimed.

"Don't argue with me! Just get out of here and meet us at the house!" She dragged Nick into the woods and ran, the dead hot on their tracks.

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