"So, it wasn't a lurker bite?" Luke questioned.

"If it was, a fever would have already set in and her temperature would be through the roof."

"And her sclera would start to grey along with her iris' turning pale and glossed over," Kassidy chimed in.

Nick stormed out of the kitchen, Luke and Oliver following after him. "Nick!" the teen called after him.

There was just Clem, Kassidy, and Carlos left in the room.

Carlos wrapped a better bandage around Clem's arm and he walked over to the sink, next to Kassidy. He began washing his hands and looked at Kass. "I wish you hadn't done what you did."

Kassidy and Clementine both looked at each other confused. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Manipulating my daughter," he answered.

"No, I told her the exact situation, and asked her if she knew where I could find it. I didn't tell her or manipulate her into doing anything," Kass defended her choices.

"Well, there's something I need to tell you both about my daughter," he turned, leaning against the sink. "First, she's not like you two. You may not get that initially, but after you've been around her a while, you'll know what I mean. If she knew what the world was REALLY like out there. How bad it was, she would cease to function. She's my little girl, and I'm asking  that you two would stay away from you."

"Sure," Clem replied, lowering her head.

"Look, I know it's not my business but maybe, just in case, you could teach her a few things. I'm not telling you how to parent, I'm just saying," the teen shrugged.

"You don't know anything about being a parent," he snapped sharply. "Unless I say so, stay away from my daughter," he ordered, turning and leaving the kitchen.

Clem shook her head and scoffed, "We have to leave soon."

"You're right. These people don't trust us. We should leave in the morning."

"Why not now?" Clem asked, confused.

"Because there's walkers outside and those crazy guys in the woods. Plus, I think they'll find it suspicious that we're leaving when it's dark and raining. They may think we're going back to our 'group'," she scoffed.

They walked over and sat at the table. "Yeah," Clem agreed. "So how did you get here before me?"

Kassidy shrugged, "I woke up ten hours after we fell and found I was inside one of the bedrooms of this cabin, apparently I washed up on the river bank not too far from here. Carlos took care of me until I woke up. We talked for a minute until Luke burst in all out of breath and that's when I found you. The rest is well, you know..."

"So... are we still going to Wellington?"

Kassidy nodded, "If that's the safest place, then yes."

Luke came in with a bowl of oatmeal, Oliver had another one in his hand. "We, uh, brought you kids some food, if you're hungry."

"You have no idea," Kass grumbled as she walked over to Luke and took the bowl out of his hands.

Clem smiled and joined her after taking her own. They began eating their food while Luke and Oliver sat across the table from them.

"Well, one thing's for sure," Luke started. "That's gonna leave one hell of a scar."

"Better than loosing it," Kass spoke in between mouthfuls.

"You can say that again. Scars... they're way cooler than stumps."

Both girls stopped, momentarily. Kass remembered Lee... when they took his arm off. "What?" Luke asked, concerned.

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