"Yes! I think this will be very beneficial for the class to become closer to one another!" He explains formally, accompanied by a big grin.

"Me too, wanna spend the night so we can go together in the morning?" I intertwine my hand with his.

"That's a very good idea, although I would have to make a stop by my home to get my things," He uses his free hand to push up his glasses.

"I'm sure Dad will be okay with stopping by," I tell him sincerely.

"This the house?" Dad asks Tenya like he hasn't been to his house many times.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa. I will only be a moment," Tenya gets out and makes his way into his house.

"Dad.." I furrow my eyebrows.

"What? He can't get too comfortable," He says plainly.


"I'm going to be in my room, don't bother me," Dad states while looking at Tenya then shifts his glance to me. "Unless you need anything."

"Yes sir," Tenya replies respectfully.

"You guys can order in dinner, or something," Dad then walks into the hallway that leads to his room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I smile. "But we should change out of our uniforms first."

"Oh, of course!" Tenya cries. "And that would be good."

Once we both got changed into our pajamas since it was already late in the day, we went back downstairs to watch a movie on the living room couch. We both decided on a slice-of-life movie because it would be simple and carefree.

At some point, I started to fall asleep.

"Darling, do you want something to eat? I ordered us some (favorite/food) is that okay?" He says with a very gentle voice.

"Mhm," I nod and then reach my arms out, he hugs me back.

We make it to the kitchen and he prepares some plates for us. Tenya and I eat in each other's very warm presence, making jokes and laughing with each other.

"It's getting late, we should be heading to bed if we want to be in top shape for shopping tomorrow," he states boldly as he cleans up the mess from our food.

"Right," I bring my hand up to my tired eyes.

Tenya puts an arm over my shoulder as we walk up the stairs to my room. He opened the door for the both of us and I sluggishly walked in.

Me and Tenya both crawl into my bed, getting into a spooning position.

"I love you, Y/n," Tenya says gently into my ear as he drifts off to sleep.

"I love you too, Tenya," I respond, experiencing such a warm feeling in my heart from his words.

The morning came, Tenya woke me up. Already ready for the day and fully dressed, he went downstairs to make breakfast while I got myself dressed.

Dad came in a little later to say good morning and wish me a good day before driving us to the shopping district.

"You guys ready?" He asks as he pulls into the front of the mall.

"Yes. Thank you, Mr. Aizawa," Tenya says respectfully.

"Mhm," Dad says in response. "Call me if anything happens, love you," He looks at me.

"Love you too, and I will," I promise before getting out of the car along with Tenya.

We walk in and see that Mina and Kirishima are already there.

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