The group had gone through the sewers to Crawford. It had taken a while, but they finally made it.

"This should be it," Vernon stated, looking up at a ladder. "We right beneath the centre of old Crawford. The school should be right above us."

"Okay, people!" Lee turned to face everyone. "This is it. Remember the plan. We get in, we get out, we stay silent and hidden, and are out before anyone knows we were there. Got it?" The man turned to look at Clementine, "And that part about staying close? That goes double for you," Lee added. 

Clem held up her and Kass' joint hands, "I'll stick with her."

Lee smiled at the little girl and climbed up the ladder, pushing the manhole cover off.

"Come on."

Everyone followed him up, and emerged on a large, empty street. It was almost impossible to see through the dark blanket that lay over them.

"Where is everyone? Shouldn't there be guards around or something?" Kass questioned, concern lacing her voice.

"What?" Kenny crawled behind the bush they were all hiding behind. "You complaining?"

"No, she's right, normally there are guards patrolling this street," Vernon added onto the young girl's concern.

The group waited a few minutes until Christa saw a guard standing in the middle of the street. "I think I see one," she whispered. "Over there, by the door."

"Okay," Lee pulled out a small hatchet. "Kenny and I will sneak up behind him, try to take him by surprise. None of you come until we signal that it's okay. Everybody got it?"

Everyone nodded in confirmation. They knew what to do. "Okay, Kenny, let's do this. No shooting unless there's no other choice."

Kenny cocked his rifle, nodding his head, "Right behind you."

Lee crouched and walked over, Kenny right behind him. He moved over to the man slowly and pulled out the hatchet. Just as he was about to put the hatchet through his skull, the man turned around, facing him to reveal a walker instead.

Before it could grab Lee, he quickly hit the walker with the hatchet and it died in an instant, falling to the ground. The rest of the group walked up behind him with confused looks.

"What the fuck is a walker doing inside here?" Lee snapped in confused annoyance.

"That's not the only one..." Molly started quietly, as they turned around to face more walkers appearing from the streets, closing in, growling.

"Everyone, get inside!" Lee ordered in panic. "Now!"

Everyone ran after Lee as he bolted into the school, him and Kenny slamming the door shut behind them. They ran up to the second floor, where Brie and Vernon leaned against the doors, panting.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Kenny exclaimed, groaning in disbelief. "Do you think they saw us come in here?"

Lee looked at Clementine, who looked scared, so he decided to say something that wouldn't scare her more than she already was, "No, I think we're good."

"What the hell happened here?" Christa wondered, looking around. "I thought this place was supposed to be secure!"

"What always happens, I guess," Molly sighed out, crossing her arms. "In the end, the dead always win."

"Oh, man, we are so screwed," Ben panicked as he started to pace back and forth.

"Totally," Kass agreed with Ben's statement as she shook her head, eyes widened.

𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ━ 𝐭𝐰𝐝𝐠Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz