Ran on the other hand couldn't care less thinking she was going to die. All of the cult members stood their attention to the dark corner.

"Who is there?" the Cult leader asked

As a moment of silence past, Ichika activated his twin lightsaber

The cult members could see what it seems a masked figure with a dark outfit. Thinking it was their own member. It turns out to be not that. They soon realized that when he walked up to one of the cult members and striking him down with his lightsaber. All cult members tried to escape from his rampage, but only to no avail as Ichika reached out his hand to locked the doors.

(Think of this scene)

One by one, Ichika slaughtered every cult member that is to be found in this room. Behind the helmet, Ichika's eyes faded from his normal colored eyes to a fiery yellow red color. Cult guards were able to open the locked doors, but only to be met with demise. One tried to attack him using an iron rod, but as the two weapons clashed the rod blade was shortened. Then Ichika stabbed him through his heart.

Jan just watched as this was nothing. She has seen many more fucked up things than seeing a cult or a slaughter.

As the last cult member dies, he now has to deal with the cult leader. He tried to run away from him, but only to be pushed like something invisible pushed him.

"Pleaseeeeeeee have mercy"

Ichika removed his helmet revealing his head, and face. The Cult leader recognized his face. This was indeed the same boy who was put on to be sacrifice 6 years ago. He couldn't understand, how he lived, he was scared with fear.

"You.....you are Ichika Orimura"

"How did you know me?"

"We were supposed to sacrifice you six years ago, but you survived"

Tapping into the dark side, Ichika used force lightning as much as he could shocking the cult leader. The leader was howling in pain as he can feel heat and electrocution crawling all over his body. Then he stopped.

"So your the one who paid that man to kill me"

"No, it wasn't me I'm just had knowledge of it"

"then ...WHO DID?"

"He's............he's below of this room. They call him Akuma"

"Hmm thank you for your information, but I'm afraid you must die"

Then Ichika slashed his saber at that cult leader. Then he deactivated his lightsaber. He heads over to Ran. He then placed his hand onto her forehead checking to see if she was alive or a sign of life. Then he stabilized her life, restore the number of vitality points. He then removed his hand from her forehead.

"Jan, take her to the hospital."

"Sure thing"

Jan nodded as she carried her bridal style and then quickly rushed outside to find the nearest hospital. Meanwhile, Ichika put his helmet back on and heads to the lower levels of this facility. He used an elevator to get them faster. As he got out, he opened through various doors until he found his target

A Fallen Terran (A Star Wars x Infinite Stratos Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now