Kihyun took a deep breath and calmed himself down from his paranoia, nodding his head as he gently took his camera from Hyungwon, who led the way to a very old-looking house down to the other block. It was impressive how it was still standing, judging by how racked up it was.

"How do you know they are here?" Kihyun zipped his jacket further up and Hyungwon rolled his eyes, scoffing. "I saw them walk inside while you were playing with your little toy."

Kihyun gave the younger a playful glare and pulled the camera up and checked if it was still in night mode. "So we walk in or...?" Hyungwon shook his head vigorously, "have you never seen movies? We can not risk them hearing the flash of the camera. Come, there might be a window somewhere."


Minhyuk was freaking out. 

His phone calls were not being answered, nor were his text messages. Kihyun was diving into the deep side of the pool without even learning how to swim which could only mean one thing: disaster.

It was too much to handle. The young father understood from the beginning that he would be invading someone's privacy, but this was something way worse. Kihyun was not a private investigator or anything related, so Minhyuk wanted to make an action plan with him of how to approach the situation.

But no, he decided to risk his own life for the sake of getting out of this quickly. Minhyuk appreciated the effort, he really did. Nevertheless, he appreciated Kihyun's life even more and wanted him to be safe.

So Minhyuk knew he had to go look for him. He knew the address of the people and had his phone fully charged just in case the small man wanted to return the missed phone calls from him.

Just one problem though: Changkyun.

He couldn't take the child, it was too dangerous. What if he ended up hurt? Or what if Kihyun was in danger and he needed to do some chasing by foot? He couldn't do that with a toddler in his arms and he would never leave his son in the car, just for someone to potentially break in and take Changkyun while he was at it.

And leaving him alone in the apartment was just setting the place up for destruction. Knowing how annoyed Changkyun got when he was hungry (which he was most of the time), when he couldn't turn the tv on to watch his movies or when he was tired and didn't have his pajamas on.

Leaving him alone would just make things harder for him and the neighbors, so he came to the conclusion that someone had to die that day.

Lee Hoseok and that boy from daycare Changkyun seemed to like so much.

Minhyuk had promised himself and his brother that he would never need to watch over the baby again. But, He only trusted three people with his assets and those were Solar, Hoseok and Kihyun. It was Solar's day off and she always worked so hard, he didn't want to bother her, and Minhyuk didn't know this Joo-what's-his-face dude.

Nevertheless, besides Kihyun and himself, Changkyun seemed to like the boy more than anyone else, so he phoned his brother and asked Solar to give him Jooheon's phone number to call him as well.

Even though he felt uneasiness coming from both men, convincing them was quite easy when he promised something in exchange.

He sat there impatiently, texting his brother the order of the night-time routine with Changkyun. Knowing the respect his brother had for his son, the list would be useless. 

But just in case...

The first one to arrive was Hoseok. He was dressed like it was below zero degrees Celsius with a huge puffy jacket, goggles, gloves, chunky boots... but there was no time for questions so Minhyuk patted his brother's shoulder. 

"Another boy will be coming as well. His name is Joohyun or something like that, bye!"


He really wished he had not picked up that phone call... 

He always ignored unknown numbers so why didn't he this time? Oh god, Jooheon was terrified. Having this kid at daycare where there were other people an adults was scary enough... being alone with that antichrist was like handing Michael Mayers a bigger knife.

But he would be greatly paid, so he announced himself at the lobby and went to the elevator after being accepted.

Once he arrive to the fancy-looking, wooden door, he rang the doorbell and waited for the CEO to appear.

But he saw an idiot instead. Well, the building was high, but it was not Mount Everest...

"You must be Joohyun, come in please." The man stepped aside and Jooheon stared at him in pure, utter disgust, "listen, Joo... HEON!" The latter stepped inside and stared daggers into the other who tilted his head in confusion, "and what did I say?"

Jooheon bit his cheeks to keep himself from snapping that the idiot who dared to mess up his name. "I- forget it. Why are you dressed like that? Aren't you baking yourself in there?" The addressed looked at himself and shrugs. "Just in case he feels like biting today."

B-biting?... "excuse me, WHAT?!?" 

Just as he said that, he heard tiny pats coming from the hall and an angry-looking Changkyun came into perspective, slowly pressing his lips together as his eyes landed on Jooheon's "coworker."

Long story short, they had to deal with a tantrum, a few scratches, the neighbors knocking aggressively at the door and them being crawled up next to each other in fetal position as Changkyun ate candy while watching a movie they were not allowed to watch with him.

"So you're telling me he drew me dead in a family portrait?" Hoseok whispered as the other nodded, gulping. "I really ruined my image, huh?.. and now I ruined yours by being beside you."

Jooheon tilted his head while looking at him, "what do you mean? I thought he despised everyone." Hoseok nodded, "and he does. But my case is different; I changed his life."

The college student frowned in confusion, preparing himself for what he was about to hear. He was not though, nothing could ever prepare him for what was coming up.

"I told him Santa was not real."

╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳


HIIIII, how were the holidays? Did you enjoy? I really hope you did!!!!

I love you all sososososo much and thank you so much for getting MAMMA to 3K!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG THIS IS SO INSANEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

That's why I'll be answering any questions you have in the comments ksksksksks.


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