" i- i left it at home " she managed to say

Before he could even reply a ball hit his head causing him to glare at the direction where it came from

The same time ju kyung stood up to leave but then tripped. Su ho walked over her ignoring the fact she's on the ground.

Talk about embarrassment.


I walked through the hallway as i drink my water. I can't believe i listened to that brat.

Its so hard to pretend they're both strangers.

" why am i even thinking of it, it'll only annoy me more " i mumble to myself

I heard girls squealing in the hallway, i looked and saw seo jun with his so called minions. Who are not that far away from me.


Before i could even step aside, I tripped over falling onto the ground and bumped my head onto someone's forehead causing for me to wince in pain.

this day couldn't get any worse

" damn it. " a familiar voice curses

" WHO WAS THAT " he added his voice booming through the hallway

I hissed in pain noticing my knee had gotten a scrape and is bleeding. My chest tightened at the sight of the blood making me slowly gasp for air.

" you- " seo jun faces me but stops his eyes widening once he realized its me
" mi yo- "


He was cut again off by sua and the rest  running after ju kyung, his eyes widens and quickly grabbed me and hovered over me protectively.

Right after they passed, he immediately looked at my knee and took his handkerchief covering the scrape for me not to see the blood.

" let's go " he shortly says but I didn't budge

" there's no time for pride mi young, lets go " he irritatedly says not caring how some students are staring at us

We walked down the hallway, me limping my way towards the clinic with seo jun holding my waist for support.

Su ho walks on the other way with ju kyung, him holding his uniform to cover her face.

what's the deal with them?

I felt my heart ache at the sight of the two, he didn't even spare a glance in my way. He's my best friend, i expected at least a glance of worry but i got none.

" i can handle it from here " i mutter to seo jun as he watches the nurse put band aid on the scrape

" no I'll walk you " he says and i look at him

" just go " i gritted getting annoyed as i tear my gaze off him

" mi you- "

" go, I got it here " the nurse cut him off making seo jun look at her worriedly


" ya lee su ho " he calls out seeing su ho on the way " enjoying the spotlight are you? "

" am i the reason you're back? " su ho asked which caught him off guard

" what? " seo jun scoffed

" you seem interested in what i do -"

" cut the nonsense " seo jun says

" just mind your own business " su ho says " and stop obviously sticking your nose in mine "

" looks like a stranger is more important than mi young " seo jun scoffed " if that's the case its fine, as long as she's away from a murderer "

Just like that, Su Ho left as he tightens his knuckles. He wanted to punch him, but all their fight leads to nothing.

Plus, the last time they fought someone left.

" thank you " ju kyung says right after she stepped out the restroom " why did you help me tho? "

" hey you " seo jun spats coldly once he turned around then sighed

" forget it. bring my helmet tomorrow " he added " and watch where- "

" yeah " ju kyung cuts him off running away

" hey! my helmet! " he shouted after her

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