"Jesus, Katjaa, are you okay?" Kenny asked, glancing at Katjaa and Duck, who were splattered with blood, Duck on her lap.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she said.

"Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh shit!" Ben looked up at Lilly. "I'm sorry."

"Everything's fine, Ben," Carley tried to calm him down.

"Everything's not fine!" Lilly snapped. "We need to figure out who did this. We've just lost everything."

"Well, we're lucky as shit we have this RV!" Kenny huffed.

"And nobody died," Carley sighed.

"Kat's head is split open!"

"I'm fine!" Kat said shortly.

Kassidy took a seat next to Clem in the back. She looked out of the back window and watched the home they lived in for almost four months disappear in the distance.


Kassidy was sitting next to Clementine on the couch, Lee and Lilly were standing, Kenny was driving the RV while Katjaa was in the front seat, holding Duck. Ben and Carley were sitting at the table, everyone was talking.

"It's nice that you all are gossiping and completely ignoring what the fuck just happened!" Lilly shouted. All of them that were in the back of the RV jumped and looked at her.

"We are not ignoring it, we have a plan!" Kenny snapped.

"Oh, yeah? And what's your master plan, Kenny?" Lilly asked with a scoff.

"Lilly, can we not fight right now? Please?" Ben asked.

"You shut up! I'll deal with you later. Now Kenny, please tell us your flawless plan!" Lilly snapped.

"We are going down to the coast, to see if there is a boat we can get on. That's our only good plan," he explained.

"Oh let's just be cramped up with the traitor, who is still here by the way, on a boat surrounded by water! Fucking perfect plan!" Lilly argued. "Someone caused this!" she continued.

"Settle down back there! The bandits have had our number for weeks!"

"This is different! Somebody was working with them. Whoever it was was slipping them our meds. They didn't get their last package, so they attacked."

"Calm down back there, that's nuts!"

"Lee found a packet of meds outside the wall."

Lee sighed, "It's true."

"So, Carley," Lilly turned to her. "Is there something you'd like you say?"

Carley scoffed, "Please."

"We have to get it out of you, then."

"Back off!"

"You're in no position to make demands."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're just pointing fingers!"

"I didn't just come up with this! I've had my suspicions."

"Probably not the best time, Lilly!" Kenny snapped.

"If not now, when? Look what just happened!"

"We're all okay, now, though!" Ben exclaimed.

"Carley's trustworthy," Lee said. "She's not a traitor, Lilly."

"Thank you, Lee!" Carley rolled her eyes.

"She can fight her own battles," Lilly said. "Unless there's something going on here that implicates you both."

"Don't be ridiculous."

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