Known Admirer Part Two

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"Oi, we've got another one, visual too, caught 'em in the act!" Greg was panting on the other end of the line.

"Where are you?" Sherlock voiced himself aloud enough for Greg to hear as he hurriedly threw on his coat and scarf.

"St. James Park, get here as quick as you can!"

"We'll be there in five minutes," John assured, following Sherlock out the door.

What has Sebastian done this time?

Carter's P.O.V.

"Good luck," Michael had said into the ear piece.

"Tell me if it does me any good."

I found Jessie sitting at a lonely park bench at the Western edge of the park, an older gentlemen whom was feeding breadcrumbs to the pigeons that gathered around him. I wasn't a murderer. I'd never killed a man in my life. I wanted to talk to him so he wouldn't be suspicious. But if I did, I might get too attached and not be able to fulfill my duties. Then what?

"Hello, young lady," the man smiled, scattering some more breadcrumbs onto the ground in front of him.

The man had blue, sparkling eyes and a smile that made him look so jolly. "Oh...uh...hello," I stuttered.

"Out for an evening stroll, are ya?"

Evening already? To be honest, I hadn't been keeping track of time, so I shouldn't be surprised.

"Yeah, it's....peaceful here."

"I agree."

" you come to feed the birds everyday?" I struggled to make conversation since I was already too deep.

"Not every day, but often. Today is a happy occasion though."

"Oh, how so?"

"My daughter is to be wed to the love of her life tomorrow. God, they grow up so fast. I've lived my entire life to see this day, to meet my son-in-law and grandchildren, perhaps even great-grandchildren. I just want to show my daughter that I love her....always."

Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Could this be any less depressing?

Tears slowly began to blur my vision as a lump formed in my throat that I desperately tried to swallow down, but it was impossible. "How sweet," I gulped. "If you'll excuse me, I think I might have accidentally dropped my IPod on the ground back there."

I stood up and sped away towards the sidewalk. Pretending to look at the ground as I pressed the button on my ear piece. "I can't do it!" I whispered into the mic, my eyes burning with a fierce heat.

"Don't think of it like you're killing an innocent man. Think of it like you're freeing him," Michael suggested.

"Damnit, Michael! His daughter's getting married tomorrow and he wants nothing else but to meet his grandchildren! I can't....kill him!"

I began to hyperventilate.

"There's nothing else we can do!"

"You heartless bastard!" I seethed.

"I never chose to live like this, you know? To be a slave!?"

"Then why are you working for Sebastian!? A criminal!?"

"Because he'll kill my parents if I don't!!!"

I let my head hang low, watching my tears race down my cheek and spot the dry, cracking pavement. "I'll be right back."

I walked back to the bench, sitting down next to Jessie. "Did you find your IPod?" He inquired.

"Oh..uh....yeah. I did."

Loving the Insane (Moriarty Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang