Merry Christmas Carter Jones

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Chapter Two

Merry Christmas, Carter Jones

Cases were solved as months passed and time flew quickly. Before I knew it, Christmas was around the corner and John had, after hours of trying with my help, eventually convinced Sherlock to hold a party in the flat.

Sherlock was hesitant because he was in the middle of cracking a case, one of the biggest yet supposedly. I heard it was very important considering Mycroft, Sherlock's older brother whom I've met only twice now, was the one who forced him to take the case.

Over and over, Sherlock and John would often mention the name Irene Adler. Nothing was told to me about the case, but upon doing my own research, I was able to find who she really was. She was known as The Woman, or preferred to be called as her so-called profession, a Dominatrix. And she had been standing inches away from me in my flat just a few months ago. At the time, I had no idea who she was as she never really introduced herself.

After some sexually confusing stares and what I could only gather as flirtatious attempts were made, she sparked my interest with some comment about how she just had to come see the girl that made "Jimmy" fall to his knees. I didn't know for sure what it meant but the name "Jimmy" made me think of Moriarty, and believing she was possibly an accomplice of his, I spoke not a single word to Sherlock or John. She assured me she'd be in touch and would be "just a phone call away," although we never exchanged numbers. That was the last I'd seen or heard of her until now...

The new case, of course, therefore perked my interest, but was in the slightest quite disturbing. Only, of course, if you found out what she'd said to Sherlock and what she'd changed his text tone to. Their first meeting was apparently much more scandalous than mine, and perhaps the texting was her way of reaching out to me? I had so many questions and concerns. When Sherlock left the flat earlier this morning, I listened to John's voice recordings of the previous encounters they'd had with Irene.

Comments like, 'Look at those cheekbones. I could cut myself slapping that face. Would you like me to try?' and, 'I'd have you on this table right now until you begged for mercy twice' were quite......unnerving.

Although at the same time, I couldn't help but smile. It seemed like this woman was quite infatuated with Sherlock.....almost like I felt about Jim Moriarty. Granted, she had made some passes at me too, but I mean hey, I don't judge. I tried imagining what it'd be like for Sherlock to fall in love with someone.

'That would never happen,' I thought as I put the last strings of bright, colorful lights above the fireplace. 'Even Sherlock is smart enough than to fall for a criminal.'

But if his resistance to feel some sort of way for a criminal makes him me an idiot!


John had brought a new girlfriend named Jeanette, a "boring schoolteacher" as Sherlock so beautifully worded it. Greg sat in the kitchen, drunk with a glass of whiskey in his hand as he mourned over his wife who'd cheated on him for the second time in a row, as per Sherlock's deduction.

Mrs. Hudson brought in Christmas, sugar cookies and glasses of milk and tea on silver platters. She smiled and cheerfully swayed to the musical tune of, 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' that flowed from Sherlock's violin.

As Sherlock swiped the bow across the strings in one swift motion and ended the song, everyone in the room applauded and he bowed, immediately replacing his violin on its stand afterwards. Mrs. Hudson went on praising him when Molly walked in the room, holding a bag of gifts.

"Oh, hello everyone!" She chirped as Greg gawked at how beautiful she looked.

She wore a black, silky dress with a silver, sparkly trim on top. The dress was slim and emphasized her curves perfectly. Her hair lifted a bit on top, which was clipped on the side by a silver bow, and fell loosely down her back in curls.

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