"I love you too, Y/n."

Y/n's fear isn't something that someone would think of when you first guess her weakness. She's afraid of people that she cares for disappearing from her life. That certain fear goes by autophobia or monophobia. Ever since Y/n and Haruhi's mother passed away, she has always been terrified of what will happen to the other people she loves and cares about. But she knows that everyone will leave this world eventually and that's what frightens her. It's the way of life and that's why she's going to live her life to the fullest.

Suddenly, there was a light, yet firm knock on the door, making the two sisters separate from the embrace and get up from the bed and walk towards the door to open it.

"Oh, hey, Mori-Senpai." Y/n greeted her upperclassman once she opened the door.

"Dinner is ready." He notified in his usual monotone voice.

"Oh, thanks." Haruhi said as she and Y/n walked out of their bedroom and followed Mori to the dinning room.

It was a silent stroll to the dinning room. The silence wasn't awkward, it was more peaceful than that. Once they were in front of the double-doors, they opened it, revealing a big dinning room with a chandelier hung over the long dinner table.

"Whoa!" Honey stared at the sisters in awe once they were in view.

"Where'd you two get those dresses?" The twins examined their appearance, standing in front of them along with Honey and Kyoya.

"From our dad," Haruhi answered simply, "he must've repacked our bags when we weren't looking."

"I should've checked the bags before we left the house..." Y/n let out a sigh as she glanced down at her light purple dress that reached down to at least five inches above her ankles. "He's always trying to get us to wear this frilly stuff."

"That's awesome! Way to go, dad!" The twins displayed a thumbs up with a closed lipped grin.

"You look so cute, Y/n-Chan and Haru-Chan!"

After that, everyone sat at the table, awkward silence taking over the atmosphere. Y/n sat between Haruhi and Honey. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The only thing that was being heard throughout the dinning room was the ticking of the clock.

"Well, this is uncomfortable." Hikaru spoke up, sitting on the other side of the table with Kaoru and Kyoya.

"Yeah, kind of awkward." Kaoru agreed.

"Let's dig in, Y/n-Chan, Haru-Chan!" Honey began as he sweat dropped, him and Mori holding up a cooked crab. "These are the crabs we caught! I bet they're delicious!"

Y/n grabbed a crab leg and placed it on her plate. She bit the inside of her cheek, feeling nervous suddenly.

'You know what... I'll just apologize later. Yeah...' She thought as her shoulders lightly slouched, using her fingers to put some strands of her dark brown hair behind her ear. She then began to snap open her crab leg, taking a bite of the meat that's visible.

So far, Haruhi was in the lead of eating the most crab legs. "These crabs." She began and tossed an empty crab leg on a plate that already began to form a pile. "Taste in-crab-ible! Get it? Ha, ha."

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