Chapter 25 - Blood and Family

Comenzar desde el principio

Daddy said jump and the three of us jumped. 

Not anymore. 

"Soeng-Min!" I yelled loudly as I stormed the house, looking everywhere for the piece of shit who dared call himself my brother. 

He was here. 
He had to be here. 

The rage in me was barely controllable. 
I kept seeing her. 
I kept imagining the pain and fear she must have felt. 
All because of me. 

This house... this life... this family was the reason she got hurt. 
I took the first best thing that fell into my hands and threw it against the wall with a wrathful scream. 

The vase shattered into a thousand shards. 
A plate followed, then a chair and then I knocked over the table. 

"Nah, nah brother! I must say, I've never seen you quite so.. agitated."

My world stopped as I heard the all too familiar cold, mocking voice. 
I turned. 
He stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. 

He held an apple, throwing it into the air and caught it again as he watched me with a smile. 
Like he was completely at ease. 
Like he hadn't just beaten the love of my life close to death. 

There was still blood on his clothes. 
Her blood. 

"You fucking bastard!" I yelled as I did what I had wanted to do for years. 
I took aim at my brother. 

His eyes widened. 
But not in surprise- it was glee I saw as he moved out of the way before I could knock him down. 

"My sweet Tae! I really did hit a weak spot this time, didn't I? Finally you show your true self. I've been waiting for this!" 

I growled. 
He'd mocked me with that voice for years- always looking down on me.
Always hitting me and disciplining me. Always making me apologize for the most ridiculous things, like the weather or his bad luck in a card game, just because he could. 

And he knew the truth.
I had let him. 

I allowed him to treat me like shit, never complaining or raising a hand to defend myself. 
To protect her. 
I'd rather go to school trying to hide yet another bruise than to have Y/N getting hurt. 

But now she had anyway. And he had to pay. 

I swung at him again. 

He managed to deflect it as he slipped out of my grasp in the last second, chuckling.
He took a bite from the apple while he grinned.  

Against wanna-be's like Chung-Ho or the drunkards in the alley, I could easily win. 
But Seong-Min was raised like me. Learned to fight like me and survive our father. 
And he knew me. 

But he underestimated just how little I had left to loose. 
I yelled and shot forward, not caring about my own body as I rammed into a surprised Seong-Min and pushed him backwards until we both reached the steps. 

And then we fell together. 

The air was knocked out of me and I registered the pain in my right arm, but I payed it no attention. 
To my left lay my brother, groaning as he tried to get up. 

"Brother, you surprise me." he chocked out, opening his mouth to, no doubt, rile me up more, but I was faster- and riled up enough.
Using my rage, I pushed my hurting body up and stood over him. 

I met his eyes. 
How cruel for fate to give us such resemblance. 
People always told me I was an exact copy of Seong-Min.
I hated him more for that reason alone. 

Obsession // Taehyung Fanfiction// 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora