Namjoon ♡ Snow White AU [request]

Start from the beginning

"Hello. I'm Namjoon, and you are?"
"Um... Jungkook."
"Well, Jungkook, I believe I have a job for you."

Your POV
I was out in the garden once again, tending to the flowers and pulling out weeds, doing anything I could to keep myself busy. When I made it to the backside of the garden, near the tree line I heard a noise that sounded like a cat. A small gasp left my mouth. That poor cat is alone in the woods, I have to save it. Glancing back towards the castle, I see the one guard watching over me at the moment has his head turned, his attention elsewhere. While he was briefly distracted, I took the opportunity to sneak into the woods, the meowing continuing. I ran ahead, jumping over thick underbrush and tree roots.
"Here kitty, kitty." I called out as I moved deeper into the forest.
My pace slowed and I began looking around for the lost cat.
"Come on. You don't have to be shy."
As I was searching the forest floor, I heard the sound of a gun clicking behind me. I spun around, my eyes meeting those of a man. He had dark hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, he wore hiking boots and a neutral colored outfit that looked like hunting attire.
"Who are you?" I asked, stepping away.
"I was sent here to kill you."
"K-kill me?!" I shrieked. "But why? I haven't done anything."
"I can't answer that." He spoke, aiming his shotgun.
"Please." I held my hands up, clasping them together. "Please have mercy."
He looked at me and his eyes seemed to soften, his gun slowly lowering. He let out a sigh.
"You really are the fairest in the land." He muttered to himself.
"You're... you're sparing me?"
"Yes. There's a man who paid me to lure you out here and kill you. But I can't do it." He sighed. "Listen, you need to get away and hide somewhere. I'll tell him I killed you, that way he thinks you're dead and you're safe."
"O-Okay." I nodded. I started to run off, but stopped. I took his hands in mine, holding them tightly. "Thank you so much. You have such a kind soul."
His eyes widened, a blush blossoming on his cheeks. I gave him a reluctant smile before running off into the dense trees. As I moved deeper into the woods, I found myself wondering where I would go. I took off so quickly, the only thing on my mind was getting away and hiding, but I didn't even think about where I would hide. Coming to a slow jog, I stopped in front of a large tree, resting against it for a moment, catching my breath. Going home doesn't seem to be an option. Without my father around, I wouldn't feel safe, even with all the security I have.
The weight of my current situation began to settle over me. There's a man who wants me dead and now I'm forced to run away and hide. Tears began to well up in my eyes. I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to stop the salty water from falling down my face.

"Excuse me?" Someone spoke up, cutting through the silence.
I let out a gasp, turning around to find the owner of the voice. A man with slightly curly blonde hair, a worried look painted across his features.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I quickly wiped my eyes, sniffling quietly. "Yes, yes. I'm fine."
"You don't seem to be."
"Well, truthfully, I'm not. You see, someone is after me. They want me dead, and I don't have anywhere to go."
The man let out a gasp, his hand over his mouth in shock.
"That's awful. Why don't you come home with me? I live in a little cottage that's very secluded. You should be safe there."
He nodded. "I do live with my seven other friends, so it won't be just us. I hope that's okay."
"That's fine. I just need a place to lay low for a while."
"Then our little cottage is perfect! Follow me." He grinned brightly showing off little dimples. "I'm Chan by the way." He added.
"Y/n. Nice to meet you."
"Y/n?" He questioned.
"Mhm." I nodded.
"As in, Princess Y/n?"
"Yes." I answered meekly.
His eyes widened in surprise. "Well then, that's all the more reason to protect you. This way." He pulled me forward, leading me through the trees hastily.

We walked a little ways before coming to a partial clearing, a quaint cottage sitting in the middle of the wooded area. The roof was overgrown with moss and plants, while vines climbed up the sides of the structure, making it blend in with its surroundings.
"Well, here we are." Chan announced enthusiastically. "Home sweet home."
I followed him to the arched front door as he reached for the handle, entering the small home.
"Fellas?" He called out. "I'm home and I brought someone."
"We have a guest?!" A dark haired boy asked excitedly, his eyes sparkling like a child.
"You went out for supplies and came back with a guest?" A doe eyed boy groaned, walking into the room, he froze when he saw me.
"You brought a girl?!" A guy with round squirrel-like cheeks asked.
"If you could all have a seat, I'll explain." Chan announced, setting down his basket.
Seven boys gathered around in the living room area, all of them staring at me.
"This is Princess Y/n from town. Someone wants her dead and I offered to let her stay here." He explained.
"Wow." One of them gaped.
"Well," A dark haired guy with a strong build stood up with a warm smile. "I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm Changbin."
"Oh! Introduction time! I'm Jisung." The one with the squirrel-like cheeks piped up.
"Minho." The guy with the pretty doe eyes raised his hand.
"Jeongin." The one with sparkly eyes grinned. "I'm the youngest."
"I'm Seungmin." A boy with soft features spoke up. I quickly took notice of the fact that he reminded me of a puppy.
"Hyunjin." A long haired guy waved, giving me a small wink.
"And I'm Felix." A boy with soft, blonde hair and freckles gave a small wave as he introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you all."
"You too. Since our home is so secluded, we don't usually have guests." Jeongin stated.
"Yes, I'm sure this is really sudden."
"It is, but we don't mind." Felix spoke up. "Right guys?"
The group erupted in a chorus of agreement.
"Of course."
"We don't mind at all."
"Well, in that case, I'm very thankful." I nod, resting my hands on my lap.
The room goes quiet and I find myself glancing about the room.
"You have a lovely home." I complimented as I marveled at the cozy decor.
"Thank you. I decorated it myself." Minho bragged.
"No you didn't. We all had a part in decorating. Don't take all the credit." Jisung huffed.
"Alright, alright. Let's settle down, hm?" Chan quickly began hushing the group.
"Wait. Where will she sleep?" Seungmin asked.
"Ah. I didn't think of that." Chan admitted.
"I can just sleep on the couch or the floor. I don't mind." I spoke up.
"No. You can have my bed." Jisung stood up, placing his fist on his chest like a noble knight.
"No. You can sleep in mine." Changbin stepped in front of Jisung.
"No, mine!" Minho exclaimed.
"I offered first." Jisung argued.
"Well maybe she doesn't wanna sleep in your bed. Your feet stink anyway I'm sure it's all smelly in there." Minho shot back.
"He's not wrong." Jeongin muttered.
Jisung turned to the youngest, an offended expression on his face.
"Alright, you know what? How about I just show you around?" Chan spoke up.
"Sounds good." I stood up, following him away from the bickering group.

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