Chapter 43❤️

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"No I'm fine honestly I can keep working"

"What's up with you and always about work because I highly doubt it's about the money" junghyun asked, taking a sip from his drink and sliding Taehyung over a tray of food he got him since he had never seen the older eat

"Well... the harder I work the faster time goes and the sooner I'll be back home" Taehyung stared at the sandwich for a moment and was about to decline the food until his stomach started to sound and so he gave in

"Why do you want to go home so badly huh?"

"Well there's my friends and... well the good ones of my family and then there's this person back home" Taehyung said smiling while thinking about the raven haired boy

"Ooo so what? You have a girl back home that you love or something" the brunette said causing the older to laugh

"No... Closest thing I've ever came to loving a woman is my little sister who I haven't seen in 3 years"

"So... a guy?" Junghyun smiled already knowing the answer "tell me about him" he said excitedly hitting the blondes arm Lightly

"Well... I don't know what there is to say besides the fact that he's perfect, he's.... there's truly no words to explain him" Taehyung couldn't help but smile like an idiot but he wasn't just talking about anyone he was talking about his jungkook

"Do you love him?"


"Does he love you?"


"Then what the fuck are you doing here with me?!" Junghyun shouted louder then expected "you should go home and see your boy!"

Taehyung laughed "as if it was that easy, I can't go home or my father with either kill me or make me want to kill myself and I can't let anyone I love get hurt because of me, which is why I'm here... trust me there is no place in the world I'd rather be then back home in that pathetic tiny dorm room with the boy i love in my arms"

The younger started to notice taehyungs eyes filling with tears and decided not to carry on asking questions and the blonde wanted to change the subject

"So why are you here then?"

Junghyun pointed time himself "me? I'm in America because I wanted a fresh start, away from my family drama"

"So you just left your friends and family?"

"There's a lot more to it then you think but yh I pretty much just ran away from those I loved to escape those I hate"

"Sounds relatable" Taehyung laughed


the two were getting up to get back to work as their break had ended, Taehyung stood up and his vision started going really blurry as he started feeling dizzy but still carried on

After a few hours Junghyun knew there was something up with the older so out of the corner of his eye he was watching him until the point he was about to go home but even then he still watched as Taehyung was taking somebody's order from behind the counter when he just collapsed, falling to the ground

"Hyung!" Was the last thing Taehyung could hear before the world fell dark and silent


The sound of People chattering and soft music was brought to taehyungs ears as he felt himself wake up, when he opened his eyes he looked around and found himself in the break room lying down on one of the sofas, confused to how he got there, all he could remember was serving someone and then....


As if everything went blank

"Finally you're awake" a voice spoke making Taehyung jump as he looked towards the door and seen junghyun standing there

"What happened?! Why am I here?" The older asked

"You passed out because you're clearly tired as fuck"

"Why did you bring me here why not to a hospital or anything you never know I could have died" the younger rolled his eyes

"I know what it looks like when someone passes out, and be thankful because I was about to go home, order a pizza go to bed and maybe put a movie on but no! For the passed hour I've been covering your shift because you haven't learnt to take a break once in a while"

And overwhelming wave of guilt hit Taehyung, why would this person he hadn't long known do anything for him "Thank you, I'm sorry I owe you one really"

"Well if you believe that then do me a favour" the younger sat down next to the blonde "quit one of your jobs"

"I can't do tha-"

"Yes you will because if this happens again then I'm leaving you face down on the floor as people use you as a carpet"

"You're so annoying" Taehyung laughed

"Well I take that as a yes then"


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