Chapter 11

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Riley's POV

Mac and I just sat there together until the opening of the door startled both of us. I jumped so bad Mac couldn't help but smile. I tried being mad at him when we first met but I can't stay mad at him. He's like an innocent little puppy. "So, we believe you two are telling the truth. One because your story matches little Ms. Davis's and because we had eyes on you two just now." The officer says. I look at Mac and down in awkward silence. "You two make a good couple by the way." The officer then leads us into the Phoenix's meeting room. "Wait here while we get Mia from the sheriff." "I'm gonna go to the bathroom be right back." Mac says. Matty and Bozer walk in the room. Bozer doesn't say a word he just hugs me. "It's gonna be okay Riley." He says. I nod because I don't know what else to do right now. "You did all you could Riley and I think you know how this is gonna end. Your gonna get that happy ending." Matty says. I just smile then they bring Mia in. "Riley?!" Mia runs to me. I hug her but the hug is interrupted by a gunshot. I quickly look up and see the single most terrifying person in the world. My dad. "Let her go Riley. Now or I swear I'll shoot all of you!" "No! Your not touching her!" I yell. "Fine have it your way!" He aims the gun at Mia and I do the only thing I could. I turn Mia away from him. I don't remember what happened after that. I just remember hearing Mia yell my name.

Mac's POV

I walk back to the meeting room and I hear a scream. Right as I get to the doorway I see Jack knock Riley's dad out. As he moves I see something that makes me sick. Riley is laying on the floor with blood coming from her shoulder. I instinctively rush to her. "Someone call an ambulance! What happened?" I ask Mia after helping her out from under Riley. "Da.... dad..... sh.....shot her." "Why?" I ask. "He was gonna shoot me but Riley turned me behind her." She says crying. I hug her. "I tried to keep her from falling and hitting her head and it kinda worked." She says between sobs. "Are you hurt?" She nods. "Where?" I ask not seeing any physical wounds. She points to her leg. I ask her is she can move it and she tries but winces in pain. I ask her is I can touch it and she nods. I tell her to tell me if where I press hurts. Sure enough the first place I touch she says hurts. Luckily an ambulance got there. Jack had been trying to stop the bleeding from Riley's shoulder and I was going back and forth between Riley and Mia.

Once we get to the hospital a nurse takes her back immediately. They tell me Riley is going into emergency surgery. They said it should take about an hour or two if things go as planned. They take Mia back and get her leg in a cast. After the surgery a nurse comes out to the waiting room. "Is she gonna be okay?" I ask the nurse. "We aren't sure. She was put in a medically induced coma. If we didn't do that she would have very low chances of survival. We are hoping she will wake up within the week, however if she doesn't wake up in at least 3 weeks her chances of ever waking up are slim to none." The nurse says. They let me go back and see her. I walk in and see the girl I love laying on a bed pretty much lifeless. The nurse leaves and I sit in a chair next to Riley's bed. "Riles. I know you can't hear me, but I need you to fight. Not just for me, but for Mia, Bozer, and Jack. Just promise me you'll fight." I sit there and start crying a bit. I sat there for what felt like hours. Eventually I decide to go see Mia.

When I enter Mia's room she is fully awake and smiles when she sees me. "Mac! Where's Rye rye?" She asks. I look at her and take a deep breath. "She is in a coma. They are hoping she will wake up soon but they can't make any promises." I say trying to figure out the best way to tell her her sister isn't doing to hot. The nurse comes in and talks to us about the whole custody situation. "You have two options at this point in time. You can either have Mia be put up for adoption or you can adopt her when she is discharged." The nurse says. "I'm pretty sure we are gonna go with the second option." I say. Mia smiles knowing she is gonna live with her sister. "Okay so she may be in here for a few weeks. We are gonna keep her in here for at least 10 days just to kind of help her body get used to having the cast on and helping her learn how to do everyday things with the cast. However she may be kept longer because until her treatment is complete we can't work out the legal parts. It could be two or three weeks until she is discharged." We finish talking to the nurse about Mia's upcoming treatment. She leaves us alone. "Thank you Mac." She says. "For what?" I ask genuinely confused. "For not letting them put me up for adoption." She says. "I would never dream of letting that happen. Plus your Riley's sister and you and I both know she would rather adopt you then let someone else take you. She loves you, Mia." I say. Mia smiles before saying, "I know."

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