Chapter 15

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Riley's POV

I try hacking into the server from a good distance but it's virtually impossible. We decide to head over to the stand and try to talk to the guys. They ask us name and Id. We show them and they take us into an ally way. One of them says something in German that translates to 'what are you two doing here'. Jack tells them we wish to join their organisation and that we saw the flyer. They lead us into an abandoned warehouse and tell us to wait in a small meeting room. Everything was going smooth until Leland walked in. He asks us how we are. Jack responds that we are fine. Leland nods and asks if we speak English. We both nod and he switches to English. "So how may I help you two today?" "We wish to join your project." I say in a good German accent. "I see. If you two wouldn't mind waiting here while we run your files. We don't want any unexpected intruders." He says. We nod and he leaves the room. I try accessing  the server, thankfully it works. "Matty sending you the files now." I say. "You won't be sending them anything, Riley." A voice says through our coms. Jack hears it too. "Bet your wondering who this is huh? You didn't think Leland was running this operation all by himself did you?" "Roman?" "Bingo. Prepare to die traitor." Jack and I run towards the door. "It's locked." I say panicking. "Okay stay calm. What would Mac do?" Jack says. We both look around. Then it hits me. "Those vents are industrial sized. We should be able to get through them." I say climbing on a chair. I pull out a army knife Mac gave me for Christmas last year. I start unscrewing the screws and finally get the grate off of the vent allowing us to climb inside. We start climbing through the vent and I look at a printed version of the layout of the building. "Software hub is this way." I say leading Jack in the right direction. We get through the vent and make it into the software room without making too much noise. I plug a hard drive into the main server and it starts picking up the information. "Riley. We got company." Jack says. "Can you buy me like five minutes?" I whisper. Jack nods and starts beating up the guards. After the hard drive successfully gets all the information we head out to the main area. "Here, hold onto this." I say handing Jack the hard drive. We turn a corner and see Roman standing there with several guards. "I'll take that." He says while guards surround me. Jack looks at me. "Just give him the hard drive Jack." I say sending Jack eye signals. Jack understands and throws the hard drive past Roman buying us the time we need to make it out of the building.

Once we get back to the jet and up in the air I pull something out of my pocket. "Riley you are one of a kind." Jack says seeing the original hard drive in my hand. Once we cross the German border our coms return. "Riley!" Mac says. "Mac! Mac we're okay." I say. "Did you guys get the information?" Matty asks. "Yep thanks to Riley." Jack says looking at me. I can't help but smile. "We'll try to relax on the way home you two." Matty tells us. "Copy that." I say.

Once we land back at the Phoenix we head into the meeting room. "Riles!" Mac says running to me. He hugs me. I hold up the hard drive and Matty smiles at me. "Good work Riley." We are given a few days off so the technology bay can process the information. By the time we get home it's nearing in on 10 o' clock. I call my mom telling her we are home but she tells us Mia is already asleep. We agree to just let her stay with my mom for the night. "So what do you wanna do?" Mac asks me. "I don't know..." I say. We sit there for a minute in silence then he kisses me. "I have an idea if it's okay with you?" He says. I nod and we had a pretty good night to say the least.

The next morning we wake up and I decide to get a shower. I get up without waking Mac, or so I thought. I was in the shower when he joins me. "I thought you were still asleep!" I say. "You know I can't sleep without you." Mac says. "Me neither. Anyway my mom wanted us to meet up with her and Mia at 9 at our favorite cafe for breakfast." I said. "You know your birthday is in a week." Mac says. I completely lost track of time after the whole coma deal. How is it already January 3. "Speaking of which what do you want for your birthday?" He asks. "I don't know. Just having you and Mia is enough for me." I say. He kisses me and instructs me to think about it. We get out of the shower and get dressed.

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