Chapter 17

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Riley's POV

Once I get dressed me and Mac sit down with Mia in the living room. "Mia, me and Mac were talking last night. We know you really don't want to continue homeschooling and Mac actually found a great school we want you to look at." I say showing her the website. "It is a college style class schedule, which means you take half your classes one day and half the next. They also are a major soccer school and we think you would do really well. You get to play soccer between different classes. So what do you think?" I ask. "I love it!" She squeals. Me and Mac look at each other smiling. "Well we will sign you up for the upcoming school year." Mac says. Mia hugs Mac then hugs me. "I'm gonna go play in my room if that's okay." Mia says. I nod signaling it's okay. "Well that went well." Mac says. I just nod. Mac smiles at me and kisses me. I start getting what I thought was just butterflies like what normally happens when Mac touches me but I soon realized that wasn't what this was. I pull away and run to the bathroom. Mac follows me and holds my hair up for me. "You okay?" Mac says. I nod. "Do you feel sick?" Mac asks me. "Not really I just all the sudden needed to throw up. I feel fine. Maybe it's something I ate." I say. We walk into the bedroom and Mac goes to get a thermometer to take my temperature. "98.1. Your temperature is normal." Mac says. "Like I said probably just something I ate." I say not thinking about too much. We decide to go make breakfast. And by we make breakfast I mean I make breakfast and Mac watches with moral support.

After breakfast Mac goes to the Phoenix for something. He told me Matty just wanted to talk to him about something. That left me with Mia. I head to her room to see what she is up to. I open the door quietly and find her doodling in her notebook. "What are you drawing?" I ask her. "Nothing!" She says startled. I give her the 'I know your lying' look. "Fine. I was drawing what I think your's and Mac's future baby would look like." She says showing me a really good drawing. "What the heck! How do you draw that good?!" I ask her. "When your safe place is in your room with a notebook you start learning how to make pretty good pictures." She says. This makes me realize just how much this girl can make a horrible situation into something kind of beautiful.

Later that night Mac got home and said Jack wanted us all to come over to his house for dinner. We head there with Mia and spend time with our friends just laughing and having fun. A few days pass and I kept having the same problem as before, I keep getting sick no matter what I eat. Eventually my birthday rolls around and Mac and Mia wake me up with a weird song called "There's a cat licking your birthday cake". The song is pretty ridiculous but it helped me wake up happy. Mac told me to get dressed and ready then head to the living room. I did as he said and he put a blindfold on me. "Why do I have to be blindfolded while you drive?" I ask. "Because you aren't allowed to know where we are going." Mac says. I roll my eyes under the blindfold, not that he could see it.

When we finally get to our destination Mac leads me inside a building. "Wait here." He says. I hear him go to another room. Then the lights go out. "Mac? Mac?" I decided to take the blindfold off. I start trying to look around when everyone yells surprise. Jack, Bozer, Leanna, Matty, Russ, and Desi jump out of hiding. I'd be lying if I said I didn't jump. I start tearing up and Mac walks up to me. "You said you didn't know what you wanted to do for your birthday so I thought let's throw you a suprise party." Mac says. "Happy Birthday Riley." Jack says hugging me. "Thank you guys." I say. We spend time talking and eating dinner. Then Desi brings out a cake. Everyone sings happy birthday. "Make a wish. If you don't I will fight you." Desi says. I make a wish because I know I wouldn't beat Desi in a fight if I tried. "Hey has anyone seen Mac?" I ask noticing he's not in the room. Everyone shakes their heads. We all start looking. "Mac? Mac?!" I say trying to find him. Me and Bozer walk outside in the back yard of Jack's house where the party was. "Ma-" "Riley. We need to talk." Mac says. I start thinking of what he's about to say. Oh no he's about to break up with me. I knew this was too good to be true. He could never love me. "Riley, ever since I met you I've always felt something between us but I'd be lying if I said I thought this was it." Yep he's definitely about to break up with me. "Truth is I never knew true love until you. There is no one I want to spend my life with more than you." He says getting on one knee. "So, Riley Davis, will you marry me?" I stand there for a minute in shock before nodding my head. "Yes." I say weakly. Mac stands up and puts the ring on my finger. Then he kisses me. I hear Bozer run into the house. "Macriley is real people! It's officially happening!!!" Mac and I pull apart and laugh. When we go back in the house our friends were overly excited.

Once we got home that night Mia came in our room. Mac had gone to get a shower so it was just me and her. "Riley?" "Yes?" "Now am I gonna get to be an aunt?" She asks smiling a little. "Mia. I don't know. Mac and I haven't really talked about having kids yet. But I'm still gonna keep my promise of you being the first person we tell when we do okay?" She nods. "Oh also will you come help me get ready for bed?" "Sure." Once Mia was in bed I head back to our room. Mac was reading some book on science. "Have I ever told you your a nerd?" I say. "Have I ever told you I love you and that I'm your nerd?" "Touché." "Riley?" "Hm?" "I love you. More than anything in the world. You know that right?" I nod and he kisses me. I yawn and he says, "Tired are we?" I nod and we go to sleep.

I kept having the same sick feeling for days and days turned into weeks. Eventually we found out what Leland and Roman were planning. "We have recently discovered that Leland was buying illegal explosives we are currently trying to get in touch with the US's court system since they are still legally citizens of the US. Until we can get in touch with them we need you all to be alert. Until then you all are off. If we get a new mission you will be called in. Got it?" We all understand and disperse. "Riley can I talk to you?" Leanna asks me. "Sure." We go out in the hallway. "What's up?" I ask. "I've noticed you have been sick on and off lately. Is it possible you could be pregnant?" I stop for a second. Then I realize I haven't had my period in at least a month and a half. "I don't know...." I say. "I think you should take a test. You don't have to tell me what it says just promise me you'll test okay?" I nod. We head back in the meeting room and I tell Mac I'm gonna head home.

On the way home I stop at Walgreens. After I get home with the test I take it. My mom drops Mia off and I help her unpack her backpack she took with her. She goes off to her room to draw and I go to the bathroom to take the test. I sit there for 3 minutes waiting for what felt like years. I got a digital one so I wouldn't have to deal with my brain tricking me one way or another. The timer I set on my phone goes off and my anxiety goes crazy. I sit there for a second calming my self enough to look at it. 3, 2, 1. It's positive....

Trust: A Macriley Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن