Chapter 9

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Mia's POV

An officer takes me into a room in the building everyone keeps referring to as the Phoenix. "Ms. Davis please tell me all the events that happened when you were taken from your home 2 days ago." The sheriff says. "2 days ago I ran away from home. I ran away in hopes of getting free from him-" "Free from who Ms. Davis?" The sheriff asks. "From my dad. He abused me. I have the marks to prove it. Today I went to a cafe to get something to eat then Riley, my sister came up to me and said she was going to take me to safety. Then they brought me here. They didn't do anything wrong! Riley even put bandages on my cuts!" I say. "Can you please show me these cuts?" I reluctantly pull down my leggings and pull my shirt to cover my underwear. The officer looked at my bandages and the brusies on my legs. "Are there any other bruises?" He asks. I take my jacket off and show him the bruises up and down my arms. "How long has he been abusive towards you?" The sheriff asks. "Since I was 5. He said he was disappointed in me for showing signs of becoming my sister. I tried my best to please him with school. I even played soccer in hopes he would be pleased to see me doing something Riley didn't. It was never enough." I say. "Please don't make me go back with him! Please! Riley is the only person in the world who cares about me!" "Relax where is your mom?" "She is dead sir. She died right after I was born." The sheriff nods in understanding and takes me to a different room. In the room is Riley and two people I haven't met before.

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