Chapter 21

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Riley's POV

I feel Mac hit the car and then his coms go out. Within seconds Jack opens the trunk. "Jack." I say crying. I see Bozer putting Murdoc in handcuffs unconscious. I run to Mac's car. I open the front door and Mac is sitting there unconscious. "Mac. Mac!" I say trying to wake him up. "Jack he isn't waking up!" I say. I check his pulse. "He's alive." I say as Jack comes over to me. "Matty we need an ambulance as soon as possible." Jack says in the coms. "Mac! Mac please don't leave me! Please wake up!" I say still trying to wake him. He opens his eyes a little. "Mac! Hey! Stay with me please!" He just stares into my eyes. I can see what's happening in his mind. He is thinking about how he regrets his plan but also is pleased it worked. Finally an ambulance arrives and they take Mac to the hospital along with me.

They checked me for any injuries and after finding none they discharged me. I walked into Mac's room and he was wide awake doing a lot better than before. "Riles I'm so sorry." He says. "It's not your fault. You did the best you could and even risked your life to save mine, so thank you." I say. "Did we stop Murdoc?" Mac asks. "Yea......He died in the accident." "Well how are you? Anything wrong?" "My back is a little sore from the impact but no serious injury. They told me to take some Tylenol and I should be fine. As far as you go, you broke your arm. Not to mention you were knocked unconscious." I say. "Nothing to bad Riles. I'll be fine." He says smiling. God I love his smile. "What time is it?" He asks. "2:30 am." I say. "Is your mom keeping Mia tonight?" "Yea after I told her what happened she insisted on keeping Mia so we could rest a little." A little while later we both fell asleep.

The next morning they did some tests before discharging Mac. Then we met my mom and Mia at home. "Riley!" Mia says running to me. "Hey Mia. I missed you." I say. "Mom told me what happened. Are you guys okay?" She asks referring to my mom. Since Mia never had any memory of her mom she started calling my mom 'mom'. "I'm fine just a bit sore. Mac on the other hand broke his arm and was knocked unconscious." I say. "Well I'm just glad you two are okay." My mom says. After she leaves we decide to spend time together as a family. Eventually I get a phone call from Bozer and Jack. Tonight is game night so they come over and we start the chaos that is game night.

"So Mac, why'd you do that?" Bozer asks referring to last nights event. "To save the love of my life." Mac says smiling at me. "Speaking of which. Have you all decided on anything about the wedding yet?" Jack asks. "Not yet. We've been a little busy with the whole my dad recruiting Murdoc deal." I say avoiding eye contact with him. "Well you guys have gone on more dates right?" Jack says. Me and Mac kinda just look at each other. "Omg really Mac!" Jack says. We both kinda just smile at each other. After game night we head to bed. "Mac?" "Hm?" "I'm have an appointment to find out the genders next week." He just smiles at me. "I'm so excited Riles." "Me too."

One week later

I walk into the doctors office and they take me back. "So do you want to be told the genders or do you want them put in an envelope?" The nurse asks. "Put in an envelope please." I say. Desi came in town and she agreed to help me plan the party. I already got most of the supply's but I didn't get any gender reveal things. Mac said he was gonna make a cannon thing. I didn't ask too many questions cause he's Mac. He said all Desi would have to do is add coloring or dye. After the appointment I head to meet Desi to finish getting decorations. "So you got the envelope?" Desi asks. I give her the envelope and she opens it emotionless. "You are way to good at hiding expressions." I say laughing a little.

After we got the stuff we go home and make cake and other food for tomorrow. Mac watched more than helped. Mia helped decorate the cake and measured ingredients for us. After that was done we got dinner and ate. Desi ended up leaving to go home. And we all just watched a movie. Eventually Mia fell asleep and Mac carried her to bed. Then after the movie was over we headed to bed excited about what the next day would bring.

The next morning Mia asked me to help her do her hair. She had me do Dutch braids on both sides and at the ends put a pink and a blue ribbon. She also had a blue shirt and pink jeggings. I had an all pastel purple outfit on and Mac was wearing a pastel green outfit. People started showing up one by one and eventually everyone arrived. We did a poll on who thought which gender for each baby.

Baby A
Girl- Mac, Mia, Bozer, and Leanna
Boy- Jack, Matty, Russ, my mom, Desi and me
Baby B
Girl-Mac, Mia, me, my mom, Matty and Desi
Boy-Bozer, Leanna, Jack, and Russ

We all head outside and Desi adds the coloring. Mac hands me the remote for the thing and we countdown. "3, 2, 1!" I push the button and the first cannon goes off. Pink confetti and smoke comes out. "It's a girl!" We yell. I hug Mac. I hit the button for the next one and it's also pink. "Two girls!" I say smiling at Mac. He just smiles back at me. "I knew it!" Mia screams excited more than anyone. We go inside and eat. Later that night Mac and I were sitting on the couch. "So you got any name ideas yet?" I ask. "I have one. You?" "I have one too." I say. "Well what's your idea?" He asks. "Isabella and for short we can call her Izzy." I say. "I like it. Mine is Noel." "I like it." I say smiling at him. After a while we decided to head to bed.

Several months later
That night I dreamed of me and Mac watching the twins growing up. We watched them walk for the first time, their first words, everything. All the sudden I wake up. I didn't understand why at first. Soon enough I look down and I'm bleeding. "Mac!" I say getting him to wake up. He wakes up and looks at me. I point at the blood stain. Then it hits me. I start crying as I realize what happened. Mac realizes almost instantly and hugs me. "They're gone..." I say crying. We call the doctor and they told us we didn't need to come in just make sure that if the bleeding continued heavily for several days then we needed to go in immediately. Mac and I layed in bed and I cried for what felt like hours.

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