Chapter 25

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Riley's POV

I look at the twins smiling. "They're beautiful Riley." Mac says. I smile at him. He was and still is crying a little. "I can't wait for Mia to meet them." I say. "Speak of the devil." Mac says making me look up at the door. "Rye rye!" Mia says running over towards me. She stops beside me looks at her nieces. "Hi Nieces. I'm Mia, your auntie." Mia says smiling at them. "Do they have names?" Mom asks me. "Yep. Noel and Isabella or Izzy for short." I say. Mia excitedly jumps up and down. "I'm and aunt!" She squeals. We all can't help but laugh.

2 days later

Today is the day the twins and I get to go home. Mac and my mom have been taking turns watching Mia while I was in the hospital. I'm excited to go home and have the whole family together. Mac, my sister, my twins, and me. Mac helps me put the twins in the car and we head home. When we get there we bring the twins in and put them in their nursery since they are already asleep. Mia asked if she could read to them and I said sure why not. Mac and I sat in the living room with the baby monitor listening to Mia read to the twins. "Dies ist eine Geschichte über zwei Prinzessinnen." She starts. Mac looks up at me then smiles. "Wait." I say realizing what he's thinking. "She's reading to them in German. That mean 'This is the story of two princesses.'" I can't help but laugh knowing Mac has taught Mia how to speak German enough to read a book to the twins. "What are you laughing at?" Mac asks. "Just everything. It's funny how about a year ago I was in a really bad place mentally but now life is finally amazing. I feel like I belong right where I am for the first time." I say. "You've always belonged Riley. You just got a little lost on your way here." Mac says.

A few weeks later
I was early September and Mac and I were getting married today. I felt nervous but mostly excited. The twins were our ring bearers and my mom pushed their stroller down the aisle. Then Mia was the flower girl and Desi and Leanna were my maids of honor. Jack and Bozer were the groomsmen and we all had a good time. Mac and I got married then when I was about to throw my bouquet our plan went into action. I turned around and walked up to my mom. I handed her the bouquet and she looked at me confused. I turned her around and Jack proposed to her. Everyone was so happy when she said yes. For our honeymoon Mac and I took the twins and Mia to Disney World. When we got back home everything felt perfect.

A week or so went by and I was back at the Phoenix in full force. Mia was playing at her best with the freshman soccer team and Mac would read, with Mia, to the twins in German. Life is finally great.

So this is my first book. I don't know if anyone will ever read this but if you do I hope you enjoyed it. I am not completely closed off to the idea of making a sequel but I want to know if anyone would even read this first. Thank you for making it this far. -Bear

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