Chapter 3- Christian&Zees Apartment

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I ring Christian multiple times and he doesn't pick up so I start to worry. Is it because I didn't have sex with him? I just wasn't ready for that; I know I lost my baby 5 months ago but it takes time to feel comfortable again. Maybe he just doesn't get that.

I go into the bathroom to have a shower and change into a hoodie and leggings. I hear the door open and there's laughing. I know that's Christians' voice, and there's a girl with him.

I come out of the bathroom to see who it is.


"Oh hi," she says dropping shopping bags in the kitchen, "I'm sorry if I'm  intruding." 

I look at Christian confused at why she's in my apartment.

"I went to the shops to buy stuff for breakfast and I saw Ria here so she offered to help me carry things."

"Oh that's nice of you, why so much though?" 

Christian begins to unpack the shopping with Ria, "Zee, Lexi, and Zoey are coming here so I thought I'd make breakfast for everyone."

"Where did they stay last night?"I ask

"They took a cab back to my apartment,"


I lie on the sofa scrolling through my phone. All I can hear is Christain and Ria laughing, it really starts to get on my nerves. He literally hated her yesterday...

When Lexi, Zoey, and Zee arrive they all look wrecked.

"What happened last night?" I say, rubbing mascara off Lexis' eyelids.

"I just need to have a shower," She responds going into the bathroom

Zoey sits on the bed, "After we went out to get zee, we managed to calm him down but when we came back in, you guys had gone."

Zee interjects, "Yeah where did you guys go?"

"We came to the apartment cause we were tired," I tell them.

"Well we had a shit night, we just got wasted and I didn't even get laid," Zee says in a huff.

When Lexi leaves the shower we all sit around the coffee table eating pancakes, bacon, and sausages (even Ria).

For the following week, Lexi and I did a lot of shopping and exploring new york. Zoey decided to stay in Zee and Christians Apartment since there was less space in ours. And Ria.... well I don't really care. Once Lectures started we were in some sort of routine. Christian and I would facetime every night but that was just about it, I miss him being close all the time. 

After about 3 months, I was frustrated with not seeing him so I decided to surprise him instead. When I arrived at his apartment, I was suddenly so nervous to see my own boyfriend.

When I came Zee opened the door, "Kai, what you doing here?"

"Is Christian here?"

"Yeah, He's wi-"

Ria comes to the door, "Oh hi Kai!"

I correct her, "My name's Kaiser..."

"Oh sorry..." She looks down.

"Wheres Christian?" I look back at zee.


I run upstairs to Christians' room; When I open the door he's lying on the bed watching Netflix. I cough to get his attention.

"Kai? What you doing here?" He reaches his arm out for me to join him on the bed.

I snuggle up beside him, "I missed you."

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