(A/N: I need more Tate and Sean collab)

As the song finished Natalie and Sean looked into each other. Natalie felt butterflies in her stomach like she's in love with him all over again.

Then the door opened and Avery and the rest of the dance team, glee club, and theater club came in and stopped.

Sean and Natalie looked behind them.
" Well that's awkward." Jaycee whispered to the Elites. Chloe and Bostyn looked at her and rolled her eyes.

" Hey Avery.... Hey guys." Sean waved awkwardly. Natalie looked at Sean and saw how different he looks at Avery.

She felt a bit sad but she shrugged it off and looked away. " The Art club will be here any minute to help decorate. So let's get moving." Liv said to everyone.

Hours had passed and the decoration on the stage was all set." Is everyone ready?" Liv asked the singers in the backstage checking on them one by one then Liv saw Cassie talking to Natalie and Avery then giving them a hug.

" Hey girls." Liv said that startled the three girls. " Liv, you scared us." Cassie said.

" Sorry? Anyways, Natalie-Tate- I don't know what to call you when you perform. You have so many names. " Liv said. The three girls chuckled.

" Just remember whenever I'm performing. It's always Tate McRae." Natalie reminded.

" OK, got it. You're last to perform so you have more time. Everyone's waiting for you. It's your first time in 2 years to perform again in front of the crowd in West Brook. " Liv said.

" Nervous? " Liv asked." Kinda. It's a big crowd out there, but I performed in much bigger crowd so I'm used to it. " Natalie said.

" Way to flex your success. That kinda rhymes. " Liv said with a laugh." I'll see you guys later. Good luck." Liv said before leaving.

Cassie looked over at Avery and Natalie.
" Cassie and I'll go ahead. " Avery said and Natalie nodded.

" Come on Cassie. " Avery said leaving the back stage and going on the front row.

The crowd started entering and filling the seats in the auditorium, the room was filled with chatters getting louder and louder as the crowd gets bigger and bigger.

Liv then came to the stage to start the open mic. " Good evening everyone. Please let me introduce myself. I'm Olivia  Patterson, the Theater club president and school photographer of Quinton Academy. I would likely to welcome all of you tonight as we do this fun interacting open mic night." Liv said and the crowd cheered.

" Without furthermore explanations, Let's all give a round of applause for our first performer. " Liv said then everyone applauded.

Almost each glee club members performed and some performance from the crowd. Other wise the night was doing great.

Then Max came next to the stage. As he stood in ront of that crowd. The anxiety rushed in and made him nervous.

He looked around then saw his family who had big proud smiles on their faces.
But other than that, he still felt something was missing. The same feeling he feels everyday.

" Good evening... Everyone.. I'm sorry... I'm really nervous." He apologized with a nervous laugh. The crowd cheered for him to let him know they support him.

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