Humanity part two

Start from the beginning

"You'll get used to it" Leo told her, looking down as she looked up to face him, his eyes instantly started gazing as she smiled , "you're so beautiful"

Rebekah's cheeks started to turn red as the blush ran to them , "you don't look to bad yourself... for an old guy" She joked

Letting a soft chuckle escape his lips, The dark haired vampire , and the blonde woman, found themselves standing outside the Mikaelson home...

"I'll see you later" Rebekah turned to face him , her hands wrapping around the back of his neck as his wrapped around her waist...

"I love you , Rebekah" He told her before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers, "so much"

"I love you too" She grinned as her cheeks were still rosy "so much"
"You're home!" Elena jumped as she watched Damon open the door "where were you?"

"No where important" Damon replied with a shrug , hoping Elena wouldn't be too suspicious...
Giving his a slight unsure look with her big brown eyes... Damon decided to lighten the mood "come on... it's Christmas, maybe it's a surprise" 'Shit! I hope I didn't give it away!' He cursed to himself

"Well maybe I have a surprise for you" Elena smirked before taking his hand and placing it on her body, "but I'll give it to you early..."

"What is it?" He purred knowing exactly what it was

"You'd have to take these off" Elena let his hand tighten on her clothing "to find out" She whispered in his ear

"What are we waiting for?... I want my early present" Damon wiggled his brows with his signature smirk, and with that, the oldest Salvatore brother, threw his girlfriend over his shoulder and vamp sped his way to his bedroom.
"Sister!" Kol cheered as Rebekah entered the Mikaelson living room, "glad for you to join us"

"Always a pleasure Kol" Rebekah rolled her eyes at her older brother "I'm not here for long anyway"

"May I ask why?" Elijah questioned after closing his book and standing to his feet

"I'm going to spend Christmas with Leo" The blonde shrugged

"Leo... huh?" Kol chuckled

Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows slightly... "and what is that supposed to mean?" She asked, clearly intrigued by her brothers comment...

"You think we haven't noticed?" The younger Mikaelson brother walked closer to his sister as he was speaking... "you've been pulling him along on a string... making him think that you love him..."

"I do love him!" Rebekah spoke harshly as she cut off his words

"You might... but you chose your human life over him... so tell me" Kol stopped in front of her "what are you going to do, when you have to end things with the young Salvatore to start your life?..."

Rebekah knew her brother was right. How was she going to end things with the man she loved to find someone else? "Not tonight Kol" She muttered

"No sister, you need to face the music" Kol shook his head as he lectured his younger sister "Leo will never let you go if you're not honest with him! You want a family more then you want him!"

"What if I wanted both!?" Rebekah argued "what if I wanted a family... but with Leo... because that! That is what I want!"

"Well that's never going to happen... you! Decided to take the cure, you! Chose a human life over Leo... and now... you don't even know what you want" Kol looked his sister in her baby blue orbs , "you can't have everything Rebekah..."

As tears began to fill the Mikaelson sisters eyes, she knew everything that her brother was stating was true... she chose to be human over her vampire life with Leo... and now all she really wanted was a life with ... Leo.

"I think that's enough" Elijah stood in the middle of the two , "Rebekah knows that we will stand by her with whatever she chooses"

"That's the problem Elijah!" Kol raised his voice and let out a laugh in disbelief "she doesn't know what she wants! Before you know it, she will be too old to have the life she wanted because she would have been running around with an immortal vampire for too long"

The room fell silent.

"Our sister... would have wasted a human life... all because she couldn't decide what she wants..." Kol finished

Rebekah could no longer hold in her tears... everything her brother said was almost true... 'Ive made a huge mistake' "I... I have to go" She stammered on her words before leaving the family home...
"Best... early...Christmas present... ever" Damon panted as he fell onto his back

"I thought... you'd like it" Elena replied with a smile before moving her head, so that her chin was resting on his bare chest, Elena's big brown eyes glistening as she gazed at her boyfriend.

"I love you , Elena" He blurted

"I love you too, Damon" She replied instantly with a huge smile...

Soon enough Elena fell into a deep sleep, where as damon stayed awake. Staring at the ceiling. Thinking.
Walking inside the Salvatore home, Rebekah looked down at her hands as her tear drops still rolled down her cheeks...
"Rebekah?" Leo Instantly rushed to the blonde... "what happened?" He lifted her chin with his finger "why are you crying?"

"I..." Rebekah tried finding the right words to say... "Kol... he..."

Leo's blue eyes instantly widened, "did he hurt you? What did he do Rebekah?"

Shaking her head she replied, "no... he didn't hurt me..."

"Then what happened? ... tell me..." His eyes were now pleading for some information to why she was so upset...

"I..." Rebekah started ... "It doesn't matter... it was just a family squabble" She lied , not telling him what really happened with Kol

"Rebekah... it clearly matters, you're crying" Leo's voice was soft... comforting and yet still stern as he spoke to the blonde...

"I don't want to talk about it... not tonight" The Mikaelson sister said before moving closer and resting her head on Leo's chest, feeling his arms wrap around her securely... she knew... letting him go was going to be the most difficult thing she has ever done...
Hi guys, I'm so overwhelmed with the reactions this story is getting...
I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and pretty soon, I'll be posting the next chapter. The Christmas chapter, I promise it will be here in the next two days, I've been so so busy ;(
However, there's so much more to come in this story and I hope you all enjoy each chapter as it comes x x x x

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