Humanity part two

Start from the beginning

"Me?" Kol looked himself up and down "I'm getting prepared for tomorrow! My first Christmas in fifty years"

"At least someone's feeling festive" Elijah chuckled

"When do you plan on taking the dagger out of Niklaus?" The younger sibling asked

"When I feel like the time is right..." Elijah muttered

Silence began creeping inside the room...

"Well... I'm off to go find myself a Turkey brother" Kol shrugged before gliding his way out of the home...
I finally managed to escape my girlfriend without her coming with me. I don't have long though... I need to make this quick. But I have a feeling it's going to take a little more time then I thought it was going to take...
I look up and let my eyes search the glass cabinets filled with huge diamond rings. I don't care about the price. I want the perfect ring for my perfect girlfriend.
"Can I help you, Sir?" I hear from behind , turning around, I see a very eager man behind me...

"You work here?" I raise a brow

"I sure do" He replied happily "what can I help you with?"

"I want an engagement ring..." I tell him "but I don't want one that's just any old engagement ring... I want one that has meaning behind it" I find myself blurting out words to this stranger.

"Wow... she's a lucky girl" He winked and I instantly cringe "well... let me show you some of our finest rings"

I follow him to a small table as he began showing me at least ten different engagement rings. All with huge diamonds.
But none of them were something that stood out to me. None of them were right for Elena.
Until the happy store assistant pulled out a small box, "this one... I have a feeling might be the perfect one..." He said quietly before opening the box...
The man was right. It was the perfect one.
This ring looked perfect. It was designed with the infinity sign going around it until in the middle where there was a large diamond in the centre.

"This is the one" I smile "I'll take it"

"Great!" The man beamed
Playfully, the youngest Salvatore and the youngest Mikaelson, ran down the stair case of the Salvatore mansion...
"Good to see you two actually out of Leo's room" Stefan chuckled as he watched his younger brother glowing with a smile...

"Stefan" Rebekah smiled "Good morning..."

"It's two o'clock" Stefan informed her with a slight smirk

"Good... midday then?" She let out a slight laugh before Leo's hand reached for hers...

"Come on, I'll walk you home" The younger Salvatore informed her

As the two walked outside the door, Rebekah instantly felt the cold winters wind hit her in the face... "It's chilly isn't it?" She shivered

"Here" Leo slipped out of his leather jacket "wear this"

"Thank you... I'm still trying to get used to this... you know... human life" She said with a shrug of the shoulders before Leo wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they walked down the path...

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