Aven laughs lightly, "why did we bring a bunch of children away with us?"

"I have no clue," I laugh with him.

"Well, you go get your stuff sorted and I'll go find which room they left for me hey?"

"V," I say, grabbing his arm gently before he leaves, "thank you for doing all this, I'm really excited to spend some time with you."

He smiles and pulls me in for a hug, "and we're really excited to spend time with you."

His arms tighten around my waist and my arms instinctively go around his neck, nuzzling my head into his chest. This has become one of my favourite places, in his arms.

He rests his cheek on the top of my head, and I know we both feel it.

We just fit together.

"Alright lover boys, we're all here now you can break it up," Leanne announces as the others all stumble into the room.

And I can just feel the heat spreading over my entire face.

"Shut up, we're allowed to hug," Aven says, a light pink dusting his cheeks. I could only see it because of our closeness, which makes me jealous of his tan complexion.

"Are we allowed to swim in the lake?" Bailey says changing the topic, thankfully.

"Yeah, we can all go in now if you'd like," Caylen answers and I'm glad the attention is away from Aven and I.

"That would be really fun," Sandra smiles.

We all get changed into our swimmers and head down to the lake, everyone else already there.

I try my best not to look at Aven and his bare chest, but my eyes betray me, and now I can't look away. When I look up to meet his eyes, he's already looking at me, sending a wink my way.

I flush red again, and I don't know how I'll recover from that one. Thoughts race through my mind about how he knew I was looking, the main one being that maybe he was looking at me too, which is highly unlikely.

He most likely was looking at Bailey because she looks incredible in her light blue bikini.

We all finally go in the water, making me feel a lot less insecure being next to the Thornton brothers who have perfect bodies.

"Ok, I can't get my hair wet," Aven says, glaring at all of us.

"Oh no my perfect hair, my image!" Leanne mocks him, throwing her arms around, splashing all of us.

We all laugh at her impression, except Aven of course, and I decide I want to see him laughing. My great idea will either get me stabbed or I will succeed and get to see his smile.

I hope it's the latter.

I sneak up behind him while everyone is discussing plans for our trip, gabbing his shoulders and forcing him under water. When he comes up to the surface, the look he gives me makes my stomach drop.

I nervously smile and brush the wet hair out of his face, holding my hand on his cheek.

"You still look great V," I whisper.

He suddenly smiles wide, then it turns to a mischievous grin. Before I have a chance to question it he's pushing me under and before we know it the six of us are having a battle to see who can push the most people down.

I step back, a wide smile on my face, and realise, these are my people. I was meant to meet these people and I can't imagine life without them.

My moment of appreciation is interrupted when I'm being lifted by Aven onto his shoulders and all of a sudden, I'm challenging Bailey who's on Caylen's.

Leanne and Sandra soon join us, but of course Aven and I win.

"Happy birthday Ezekiel!" Bailey suddenly yells, making the rest of them all yell and cheer.

Once we're all tired, we decide to head back up to the house, Sandra deciding she's going to be on dinner duties, declining help from anyone.

"So, how are we doing presents?" Bailey suddenly asks.

"No, I don't want presents, I told all of you that."

"Sorry, too late," Aven says.

"I'm going to re-gift all of them back to you for Christmas."

"Nope, not happening," Sandra jumps in.

"I hate all of you."

"That's a lie," Bailey retorts.

"Fine, I love you all and thank you. But you really didn't have to."

"We wanted to Z," Aven says softly.

And with that the conversation is dropped, all of them agreeing that I'll open them after breakfast on Friday.


hey gang so sorry its been a WHILE but here's two more chapters to make up for it :)

I am in the process of writing a bunch of chapters because i have sudden motivation for writing again and I've got a lot of my passion for it back also after like two months of not even looking at it.  

also side note how does this have 1.1K reads?!! what??!

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