Chapter 21

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After the fight you had with Jonathan about Bane you talked everything out. He feels insecure sometimes, and he knows how much you and Bane meant to each other. But you reassured him that ship had sailed. You will always care about and love Bane, that will never change. But because of his strong belief in keeping promises he didn’t choose you. So you had to move on.

It’s been almost six weeks now, that you’ve been trapped in Gotham. Bane still hasn’t secured a way out for you. If he had known you were still here he might have waited a bit longer before threatening the government if people try to escape. But he asked you to be patient and give him a little more time. Barsad also wasn’t pleased when he found out you were still in Gotham, but he was also not really that surprised. It’s always been in your nature to help people.

The stress is starting to get to both you and Jonathan, and you haven’t felt very good for the past week or so. You’ve been keeping it to yourself though. Jonathan is struggling enough to keep it together, so you didn’t want to make him worry or fuss over you. You haven’t seen Scarecrow since the day you had to sedate him.

The insomnia has only gotten worse for you. You look at Jonathan’s peaceful sleeping form lying next to you and envy his ability to fall asleep so easily. Maybe a hot shower will help you relax. So you quietly roll out of bed and tip toe into the bathroom. The hot shower does relax you a little, but after you get out you feel nauseous and barely make it to the toilet in time when you start puking. 

Once that awfulness is over you open the medicine cabinet to find something for your headache. Your eyes zero in on your birth control pills. Your sleep schedule has been messed up from the insomnia which in turn has made you miss a few days of taking your pills over the last several weeks. 

A wave of panic washes over you. Oh god, you can’t be. This is not a good time to get pregnant. You and Jonathan never even talked about kids. How would he react? Maybe you should get a pregnancy test before you give yourself a panic attack. Maybe it’s coincidence, and you just have  a stomach bug or something. Deep down you know you’re in denial.

It takes two days for you to be able to sneak away and find a pregnancy test. Those aren’t in high demand when one is stealing from an abandoned grocery store so it wasn’t too hard to find. Jonathan is picking up on your anxious behavior, but he’s just been attributing it to the insomnia he knows you’re still experiencing. 

You pace back and forth in the bathroom. The ticking of the seconds on the clock is driving you mad. Time seems to be moving in slow motion. Every little sound makes you paranoid. You waited to do this when Jonathan was asleep. You don’t want to alarm him until you actually know if you’re pregnant or not. Times up, time to look at the test. But you stand paralyzed staring at it from the opposite side of the bathroom. You’re father trained you to be fearless, yet this stupid stick you just peed on makes you feel like a frigthened child.

You roll your shoulders and take a deep breath. You can do this. With shaky hands you pick up the test and see the pink + sign. “Oh fuck me. I am so fucked.” You drop it like you’ve been burned by it and sit down on the floor with your back against the wall. You’re not sure how much time passes as you sit there staring in shock at the positive pregnancy test laying on the floor. 

After a while you actually start to feel tired from the thoughts racing around your mind. So you hide the pregnancy test and quietly crawl back into bed. Jonathan rolls over and wraps his arms around you. “Are you alright sweetheart? You were in there for a long time.” You mumble out an “Uh huh” but don’t say anything more. Eventually you drift off to sleep.

When you wake it's late morning and you feel cold. Jonathan’s not in bed with you. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you climb out of bed and walk out of your bedroom. “Jonathan?” No response. You can just feel that you are alone, Jonathan isn’t here. He never leaves without you. Something on the kitchen counter catches your eye. There’s a note, maybe he just went for a walk? You think hopefully. But all hope is lost when you read the note. All it says is Time to play. “Scarecrow! Dammit!”

Crazy Love (Jonathan Crane × Reader, Bane x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon