Chapter 3

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It's early in the morning. A couple hours before your actual shift, but you were summoned to work early. As you make your way through Arkham you notice everyone has their eyes on you. It's too early for this shit you think to yourself.

You take the elevator up to the top floor. That’s where the office administrators are and several doctors. There's a conference room used for important meetings. You get to the conference room and it’s crammed full. All the doctors and nurses that could be spared are present. The head office administrator Frank is at the front of the room. You take a seat next to Dr. Harleen Quinzel who is a good friend of yours. 

“Why are we here at this god awful hour Harleen?” She laughs thinking you’re joking. You just look at her expectantly. Then she realizes you aren’t joking. “Seriously? You are probably the only person in Gotham that doesn’t know.” You frown but Frank starts talking so you have to drop the conversation. 

“Good Morning everyone. Thank you for coming in so early. As you all know Dr. Jonathan Crane will be transported here later today. We need to plan accordingly considering this unique situation.”

You don’t mean to, your mouth moved before your brain thought about it. You blurt out. “How can they send him here?! He worked here, and has many victims of his crimes here.”

Everyone in the room is staring at you. Frank isn’t phased by your outburst, he smiles at you. “Yes Ann that’s what I meant by unique situation. The courts decided we are equipped to handle him. Which is why I decided to place him in your unit.”

You hear someone scoff. It came from Brock, a nurse from the floor below yours. He hates you because you got the job he wanted. You hate him too, he’s just a condescending prick. If you could fire him you would, but he hasn’t done anything you could fire him for. “Of course, send him to the Bat Wing, right?” You narrow your eyes at him, and he just gives you a smug smile. You are convinced he’s the one putting Batman symbols everywhere. You just can’t prove it. 

Frank clears his throat to get everyone’s attention again. “I am putting Dr. Crane in that unit because no one that works on that floor ever worked with him directly. So there will be no conflict of interest. And yes we all know Ann can handle him if he gets out of line.” Everyone chuckles at that. 

“But I have known past associates of his in my care. And let's not forget to mention Carmine Falcone who still hallucinates Scarecrows. I had to sedate him yesterday because he saw a crow by the window.”

Brock scoffs again. “What’s the matter princess? You don’t think you can handle the Scarecrow.”

If you glare at him any harder maybe he’ll burst into flames. “I can handle anyone. That’s not the issue Brock. I’m just thinking about the mental stability of the patients in my care.”

Frank calmly intervenes again. “You already separate patients in your unit. You’ll just have to do the same for him. I have no doubt you will figure it out. We have faith in you. You have the vicious mob hitman Victor Zsasz finger painting, I’m sure Crane will be a walk in the park for you.” Everyone laughs at that. Okay maybe he has a point, but it still seems wrong to send the poor man here. 

Since there’s no more protesting he continues on. “Dr. Weaver will be his assigned doctor. He has been certified insane, diagnosed with D.I.D. (dissociative identity disorder), and of course the medical board has revoked his medical license. While he was in Blackgate there was some of his back history discovered. His father was a scientist and a doctor. He experimented on Crane when he was young. Seems the child abuse is likely the trigger to his disorder. I do not want any unnecessary medical personnel in Ann’s unit. You are professionals, so no gawking at the former doctor. If you worked with Crane or knew him you stay away unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

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