Chapter 14

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Sitting in the darkness feels scary to many people. But you aren’t like most people. You’re comfortable in the dark. You’re sitting on Selina Kyle’s couch with your head resting on Barsad’s shoulder waiting for her to come home. Breaking into her apartment was surprisingly easy. You and Barsad came through a window near a fire escape and have been sitting quietly in the darkness ever since.

Finally you hear the sounds of keys jingling and a lock being turned. She opens the door and you hear the sound of a gun being cocked. You roll your eyes. “Calm down kitten, we’re just here to talk. No reason to get violent.”

She walks into the room swaying her hips. She's wearing a tight black dress and a beautiful pearl necklace around her neck, the gun’s still in her hand but she uncocked it. “Who did you steal the pearls from?” She gives you a bright smile and runs her fingers across the pearls. “Right out of Bruce Wayne's safe, took his car too.”

You can’t help but laugh at that. Batman got robbed by Catwoman. “Kudos to you Selina, nice work. You were busy after you were done slinking around in the sewers.” She just shrugs her shoulders. “Girl’s gotta stay busy to pay the bills, and also be aware of new assassins in town. Gotta say though Annie which I’m guessing that’s not your real name. You were the last person I expected to find there. You here to threaten me to keep my mouth shut?”

“No not at all. I know you have had some run-ins with the Batman. I need to know if you told him or plan to tell him?”

She flips her long dark brown hair over her shoulder. “He helped me out of a tough situation recently, so I owed him a favor. Yes I already told him earlier.” This baffles you as well. With how clever she is, you would think she would have figured out who Batman is.

You nod your head at her. “Thank you for your honesty. Not that it really matters, but you should know I am no longer affiliated with the people you saw. Tonight is the first time I saw my husband in six years. We’ve been separated for personal reasons. And for the record my middle name is Ann, but I’m not going to tell you my real name. I really am just working in Gotham as a nurse, no ulterior or hidden motives.”

She nods her head in understanding then turns her eyes towards Barsad. “What about you? You and your boss keep trying to kill me.” You quirk your eyebrow at him. He gives you a small smile and shrugs. “Bane has an offer for you. Should you accept we will leave you alone.”

“Okay you have my attention. What’s the offer?”

“You lead Batman to a location we disclose to you on the date we tell you. You say nothing until we give you the order. No warning him. If you do, the deal is off.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes. “Sounds too easy what’s the catch?”

“No catch. Just lead him when and where we tell you and don’t tell him it’s a trap. Then you will be left alone.”

She extends her hand and smiles deviously. “You got yourself a deal.” Barsad shakes her hand. “We’ll be in touch.” With that you and Barsad leave.

Barsad walks you home. He walks you all the way inside your apartment to make sure that you’re safe. Not that he needs to worry about that but you appreciate the gesture. He pulls you to him and hugs you tight. You don’t want him to leave either, you have missed him so much. “Barsad promise me you won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

“I promise. You will see me again sister, don’t worry.” He kisses the top of your head and finally leaves. You go to your bedroom and face plant onto the bed, what a day you have had. You’re fast asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

Crazy Love (Jonathan Crane × Reader, Bane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now