Chapter 5

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It’s an hour before your regular shift starts and you’re sitting at the nurses station, feet propped up on the desk and downing your second cup of coffee. You are also staring intently at Dr. Crane’s door and daydreaming about what he must look like with his shirt off. You felt his toned muscle body beneath you yesterday when you had him pinned to the floor. You shake your head at yourself. What the hell is wrong with you. You’ve never daydreamed about a patient or thought of one inappropriately before.

“What did that door do to you? Or is it the person behind the door?” You jump almost spilling your coffee. Your father would be ashamed of you letting someone sneak up on you like that. “Jesus Theo you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “I didn’t see you yesterday. I was wondering how your first day with the Scarecrow went.” You scoff. “Don’t call him that. That’s just a persona his confused and troubled mind created.”

“Ya ya, whatever. So are you burning holes through that door for a reason?” You’re trying to quickly think of a non inappropriate reason to explain yourself. “Um….just thinking of how to handle him today. I had to pin him to the floor yesterday after he met with Dr. Weaver.”

“Seriously? Oh my god what happened? Tell me all the details.”

“Theo, you're not even supposed to be on this floor. You worked with him occasionally. Frank made it clear to stay away from this unit and I’m not going to have Weaver up my ass for telling you details. Sorry my friend, no gossip for you.”

He crosses his arms and huffs as he starts walking away. “You’re no fun.” You chuckle. “Love you too Theo.”

After your third cup of coffee you finally work up the nerves to go to Dr. Crane’s room. Which is also unlike you. Since when are you nervous about going to a patient room? After you are done internally scolding yourself you knock on the door. He doesn’t say anything but you can see him sitting on his bed with his back against the wall. So you carefully open the door and walk in slowly. 

“Good Morning Dr. Crane. I thought we could have a fresh start today and I can properly introduce myself.”

He has that cold look on his face again and he narrows his eyes at you. “Dr. Crane isn’t here right now, but if you would like to leave a message.” Great. You get his alter ego this morning.

“Okay, would you like me to address you as Scarecrow or do you prefer something else?”


“Okay Scarecrow. My name is Ann. I am the head nurse and in charge of this unit. I will be your only nurse with exceptions to the weekends when I’m not here. I will assign a weekend nurse to you. I will administer your medications, but while Dr. Weaver is still adjusting your dosages I will need to check your vitals a couple times a day and watch for side effects. I will bring you your meals, you will eat in here until I determine you are fit to be around other patients. The only time you will leave will be for your sessions with Dr. Weaver and for showering. If you behave appropriately you will quickly get more privileges. Do you have any questions?”

He just stares at you like he’s trying to read you, and then slowly shakes his head no. “Okay I have your morning medications. You can do it the easy way and swallow the tablets. Or you can choose the hard way and I inject them. Either way you will be getting your medication. So what’ll it be?”

He jumps off the bed and charges at you. He reaches for your keys but you knock his legs out from under him. He falls to the floor and you sit on top of him pinning his arms under your legs. You’re sitting basically on his stomach. You push the thought aside about sitting on his lap, you need to pull yourself together. You pull a syringe out of your scrubs and quickly inject him with his medication. Once you're done you safely put the capped syringe back into your scrubs. “Okay Scarecrow you got the hard way. Now I’m going to get up, come at me again and you’ll find yourself right back on this floor.”

You push yourself up and he glares at you from the floor. You quickly leave and lock the door behind you. Mary is now at the nurses station. She looks up when she hears you, your face is all red and hair out of place. “Hard way?”

“Hard way.” You affirm as you pass her. You go clean yourself up before doing your regular morning rounds.

You go to Eddie’s room first. “Morning Eddie”

“Morning Annie! What goes up white and comes down yellow and white?”

You chuckle. “An egg. You want eggs for breakfast?” He smiles wide and nods his head. “Okay I need to take a look at your stitches first and change the bandage.” You check his wound and start putting a clean bandage on it. “Will Scarecrow be at breakfast?”

“Definitely not and won’t be for quite some time. He’s not ready to behave. I haven’t decided everyone I need to keep separate from him. How do you feel about him? I know you’ve encountered him in the past.”

“I don’t mind him. I never saw him as a patient, we were more like criminal colleagues. Villains against Batman. Stupid bat.”

“You’re not a villain Eddie. You didn’t know how to deal with your emotions. You were confused and hurting. You dealt with life events in a very unhealthy way. But I will agree with your stupid bat comment.”

That makes him laugh. “Thank you Annie.” You give Eddie his meds and send him off to breakfast. He wasn’t always this well behaved for you. He gave you trouble in the beginning too. They all do at first. 

You go to Oswald’s room next. “Morning Oz. Are we going to have a better day today?”

“Yes nurse Annie, and good morning to you too.” He looks like he wants to say more but stops himself. “What is it Oz?”

“Well I saw you walk by earlier before your usual start time. Were you with Scarecrow? Will we see him today?” You’re going to be questioned about Dr. Crane by everyone you realize. This day just got longer. 

“Yes I got here early so I wouldn’t throw off our regular routines. No you will not see him. He’s not ready to be around others and I don’t know who I’m going to allow him to be around yet. How do you feel about him?”

“I like him better than Nygma.” He spits out full of venom in his voice. You cross your arms over your chest. “I thought we were going to have a better day?”

“You’re right I apologize nurse Annie. Please forget I said that.”

“Okay but no more rude comments. Now Mary will come get you for breakfast soon so please behave for her.” You give the sulking man his meds and go about the rest of your rounds. 

The day passes mostly normal. But every time you go to Dr. Crane's room he pulls the same thing. He chooses the hard way and winds up on the floor. He does the same the next day as well. But the following day which would be his fourth day in Arkham he throws you a curveball. 

You take a deep breath before entering Dr. Crane’s room. He’s so damn stubborn. The last two days you have only dealt with “Scarecrow”, so you assume today will be the same. You knock and enter the room slowly. “Morning Scarecrow. How are you this morning?”

He’s sitting on his usual spot on the bed with his back against the wall. The look in his eyes isn’t as cold as it has been. He looks less angry, and actually he looks sad. “Not Scarecrow.” He says quietly.

“Oh I apologize. Good morning Dr. Crane. How are you today?”

“Are you here to kill me?” Well that was unexpected. Not sure where that came from. “I most certainly am not. I am your nurse. I’m Ann, remember? I am only here to help you.”

“Your name is not Ann. You are (Y/N) Al Ghul.”

Crazy Love (Jonathan Crane × Reader, Bane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now