The younger's brain starts to move its gears, thinking about every possible scenario that causes Vin's accident. He can't help to connect this horrible event to the man who has given him constant nightmares, "Who did this to him, Sam? How come... I mean... Is it because of him? I..."

The older immediately understand what the latter meant but chose to not say the name. Instead, he tries to soothe the younger, "Sshh baby, calm down. Stop panicking. Don't think about it too much. Let's take a deep breath slowly first." he guides and rubs the latter's back.

Kana follows Sam's guidance, making his anxiety slowly subduing and his heart starts to beat steadily. Then he squints his doe eyes and let out a hiss, finally realizing the throbbing pain on both of his knees and right ankle. The older kneels down and immediately check the reddening skin on the younger knees. He then looks down and grimaces the moment he sees the ankle has starts to swell. Sam stands up and helps to support Kana by protectively wraps his arm back to the slender waist, "Let's treat that first. We need to put ice on it."

The care and affection of the older ease his panic self. All of the older's realistic reason at least help him to feel less uneasy. Sam's right. The most important thing right now is to see how Vin is doing than to think about who the culprit is. It's better to wait for the hospital to allow visiting hours than just standing there demanding to see Vin. The taller friend needs his rest as well. Kana eventually nods and let Sam lead him to the kitchen.

The adonis lifts the dandelion so the latter can sit on the kitchen island. He then goes to the freezer and takes out several reusable readied ice packs. Sam carefully lift and straighten Kana's right leg to the counter. Luckily, his spacious kitchen island is more than enough to rest Kana's long limb. The adonis carefully put the ice pack on the swollen ankle and he moves to check the bruised knees. He sighs in reliefs and put another ice pack on each of them, "Seems like nothing is broken." his onyx orbs looks at the brown ones, "Please stop trying to give me a heart attack. Don't descend the stairs so carelessly like that. Now, look at what happened. What if you broke your ankle or fracture your knees? Vin doesn't need a roommate in the hospital." the older scolds, "We'll go to the doctor as well when we're there to make sure you're fine."

Kana let out a soft snort as his frown turns into a small smile. Sam pouts, "This is not a laughing matter, babe. I'm serious."

"You are the kindest and most gentle villain I ever met.", the dandelion says as he tilts his head while smiling to the adonis.

Sam chuckles as his worry begins to die down after seeing Kana already calm and even starts being witty, "We're like Beauty and The Beast, aren't we?" the older jokes as he gazes to the injury and keeps his hand to steady the ice pack on the bruised knee, "But it seems the curse goes backwards. I've become more like a beast as the day passed by."

Kana silently gaze the adonis, trying to read the latter expression. Then he gazes down to the strong hand that is resting on his knee, on top of the ice pack. The dandelion starts to gently run his slender fingers on the tip of the adonis's finger. His soft touch slowly goes to feel the pale knuckle and run his fingers to the protruding vessel. His digits slowly trace the unstraight lines, memorizing the beautiful blue and green streaks underneath the pale skin. He let out a gentle smile and mutters, "Even if you're turning into one, you are still the daisy that I adore. Even if the world turns away from you, I will always be your safe haven."

His doe eyes pay attention to his own digits' movements. The pale hand of the older glisten underneath the warm light. He can't seem to move his gaze from them, the pair of beautiful hands that always so gentle with him as if he's made of glass. The pair of hands that always so careful handling him as if he's easily scratched by the slightest touch. He slowly intertwines their fingers and looks at the silver metal band on his middle finger that glints under the kitchen light. The promise to stay together eternally. Kana mutters, "I'm sorry for leaving you back then."

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now