There is an awkward silence. He is still thinking about Matthew. I'm about to say something when he does, "Want something to drink? I have tea, water, um..."

"Tea is fine, thank you." I tell him with a smile. He smiles back before stepping into the kitchen. As long as this weird nervous state of his goes away, I'm good.

Quickly, I begin searching for clues to get back at him. I look around the living room. There's not much to look at, being this place is my kind of place, plain and simple.

How am I supposed to do this, if I have nothing to get information from? Soon he comes back from the kitchen with two steaming cups in his hands and catches me looking around.

"Lose something, love?" He laughs.

"N-nothing just looking." I stutter as I walk over to grab the cup that was for me and sit down on the couch.

He joins me, and scoots so close our shoulders touch. I am so tempted to rest my head on his shoulder but I stop myself.

"Is your ankle still alright?" He asks before taking a sip of the warm liquid.

"Well, it still hurts a little actually. I'm having a bit of trouble walking but it will wear off." I really don't want him to worry about me.

"I feel so bad I did this to you. You don't need to meet with a doctor? I will help you pay for-"

"Honestly Harry, I'm fine, okay?" I interrupt and force a small smile. I hate seeing doctors. The last time I did was for an injury that Jacob gave me, and let's just say that didn't go well. It's become a hard thing for me to do.

We continue to drink our tea and talk for awhile. The tea is so delicious, warming me as it runs down my throat. I never would've thought he'd be good at making food or anything. Wouldn't he have people do it for him? I don't know how the fame thing works but I know this is better than any tea I've ever tasted. I wasn't much a tea person before I came to London, so this is pretty good.

We talk about him a little, but he keeps changing the subject and asking me about myself. The way he gives all of his attention to me makes me feel so important. He wants to know about my life back home, and of course I leave Jacob and my parents out of it. I explain how I had major plans for my future, and was very focused on my studies all through my life.

"So you're a little nerd?" He teases, laughing as I hand him my empty cup.

I roll my eyes. "So? There is nothing wrong with being an intelligent, organized, and focused person."

"Of course not. It's cute. I love it when a girl is ambitious, and has her heart set on a goal. It's such a good thing. Plus I dig a girl who's smarter than me," he chuckles, telling me how fame somewhat interrupted his schooling.

I feel myself blush, and I smile. Being treated this way is nice. Harry is super sweet when he's not going through mood swings at least. When our friendly chat dies down, I excuse myself to use his bathroom before I am going to leave. I had some plans to try and look at colleges online today after the cafe meeting with Matthew, and I still want to do it.

Harry acts a little stubborn on giving me privacy, but finally he gives in. Well, I have to shove him out and quickly lock the door, but I still win. I leave his bathroom when I finish and find him standing in the living room holding my coat and purse. His expression makes him look really guilty of something. I give him a look of suspicion as he grins. He helps me get my jacket on and hands me my purse. We head over to the door, and he turns to face me.

"Let me take you home, huh, love?" He suggests as he turns to face me.

"You don't have to. I'm fine." I assure and smile. I haven't smiled this much in a while, nor have I felt like this; so cared for.

lovestruck † hs Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang