Dinner at Henry's

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Colorful December day in London. Busy streets full of people were nicely decorated with Christmas lights, making an amazing warm atmosphere. For the first time in a few years, it was snowing at this time of the year and you couldn't be happier. Your wonderful boyfriend Henry invited you to spend Christmas with him, knowing that your flight going back home got canceled. You were surprised a little with his proposition as you guys were dating for a little bit over two months.

Henry was currently at the gym but asked you to come over a little bit earlier to help him bake some pies and also, to be able to spend some quality time with you ( if you know what you mean ;) ) before all guests will arrive at his home. By guests, he meant his parents. You were nervous about it, but Henry did everything that he could to re-assure you there is nothing to worry about. You would meet them anyway and according to him, Christmas dinner is a perfect occasion.

You have arrived at casa Cavill shortly after lunchtime. As Henry gave you the keys to his home you decided to make yourself at home, baked a pie, and played with Kal. You wore his favorite flower dress, knowing it is his weakness. Planning how to impress his parents, you waited for him patiently.

After an hour or so, the main doors got opened and you knew your man was here. He entered the room, with a cell phone near his ear, explaining something to his agent. Once he saw you his beautiful eyes lit up from happiness. Henry finished his conversation saying: "I need to go man, my girl is here. "

Once you heard these words, you run into him placing your hands on his neck and you kissed him softly.

" Hello handsome, I missed you. "

" Hello to you my darling, I am sure, I missed you more." Henry kissed you once more and lift you in his arms like you weigh nothing. After months of being together, you were still impressed by his strength and capabilities. In no time, you have found yourself in his large bed with him on top of you.

It was after 6 pm when you have realized you fell asleep after a magical " workout" with Henry. You quickly put a dress on, made yourself presentable, and went downstairs knowing Henry's parents can be here any minute. The wonderful smell of freshly baked apple pie hit your nose. There was a classical Christmas jazz playing somewhere in the background. You have also heard some voices. "Shit! " You thought "Henry's parents are already here and I was sleeping upstairs! What they will think about me! " It was a quick decision to enter the room and introduce yourself.

"Good evening," you said shyly, feeling your cheeks are burning.

"There she is, my lovely Y/N !"

Henry happily announced, placed his hand on your lower back, and officially introduced you as his girlfriend.

"I do apologize for being so late, I just fell asleep. " you have tried to explain yourself, not letting his parents know, what or who made you so sleepy.

"Don't worry my dear, Henry had explained to us that you were baking for so many hours, it is understandable you can be tired. Please, sit with us. I need to know all details of how my Henry stole your heart!" Henry's mother showed you the way to the table. You quickly looked at Henry, who gave you a wink, letting you know to not reveal your secrets. The rest of the evening you spend in an amazing atmosphere with your man and his parents, feeling loved and cared like you always deserved.

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