"What was that?" "Nothing Important

Start from the beginning

Blinking his sockets, he looked down and saw that he had accepted the call.

'Shit!' He thought, nearly dropping his phone in the process.

"Hey kid, what's up?" asked Sans with a chuckle. Hoping to hide how nervous he really was. He just didn't want to worry Frisk, knowing that if he did that, he'd feel a great amount of guilt hitting him in his SOUL. Taking a deep breath, the young monster knew that right now he had to put up a wall around himself with his worries and fears. There was no turning back now since Frisk was on the phone even though it still baffled him that he had accepted the damn call in the first place.

"I was wondering if you just wanted to go to a place that has some really good food. I know how much you love burgers with lots of ketchup."</i> Frisk respond, sounding kind of happy with her suggestion. Honestly, he couldn't get himself to turn her away at that. To know that she was so happy just to talk to him, to make plans with him? That was something that he knew that he had to do, that this was something that he had to do with her.

Taking a deep breath, the skeleton just let out a big grin as he said "Sure that sounds awesome. When do you wanna head out?"

"I'm thinking maybe in a couple hours for dinner." She said with a giggle. That made his cheek bones turn blue in a blush. How was it that she could do that to him so easily? He had no idea, but he knew that this was something that he could never allow himself to divulge in for long if at all. To allow himself to be happy with her though for the time being, he just had to try to such it up.

Was this a date or was it just them hanging out? He wasn't sure but he had to know here. "So, Frisk about what you said at the arena the other day. Is this-"

"Sorry Sans I have to go. Mom is calling for me to help with dishes. I'll see you later, bye!" with that, the phone went dead. Sans couldn't help but frown a little at that. This was something that he had wanted to know for a while and yet once again, he has no way of knowing if it was a date. He couldn't help but sigh softly at that. Thinking that maybe there was no way for him to know, that no matter what he would be left in the dark for this. Sighing softly, the skeleton laid back on the bed and groaned.

Yeah, this was going to be a long night for sure. Though he just wasn't sure what he was to expect from this. It just seemed as if life was spiraling out of control for him.

Sighing softly, he laid on the bed and just... stayed there for maybe an hour before he started to get himself cleaned up and dressed for the night. May as well face this night head on with no issue. Well, not night since the sun was still up high enough for him to not worry about transforming. Yet.


Sans got himself dressed in his signature outfit as he walked down the path of Frisk's home. It was going to be a long day for sure though. He just hoped and prayed that nothing bad would happen. The skeleton didn't want anything to happen, nothing bad at least. Though he had a sinking feeling in his stomach (if he has one) that something would happen. It was just the way things were for him and that was what bothered him more than anything in the world.

Taking a deep breath, hoping to calm himself. His SOUL felt really uneasy, it was as if he was sensing something that he couldn't understand. It was unnerving for the skeleton, though he wasn't sure what was going on. Breathing deeply once again, the skeleton made his way up to the front door and knocked carefully. Part of him was really excited to have some time with Frisk.

Though there was a small part of him that didn't want to, out of fear.

But he wouldn't allow this fear to control every aspect of his life...

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