Part 19 Dancing

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"Would you like a bottle of wine?"

"Maybe, I'll see what they have" He says "Would you like some Vodka?"

"No thank you"

"I still can't believe you don't like Vodka" he says leaning against the sink and crossing his arms as he faced me

"Why not?" I laughed

"You're Russian"

"Okay A that's rude. B not all Russians like vodka"

"Do you know a single person in Russia who doesn't?"

"I don't"
"Other then you"

"..... Shut up"

"I know" he laughs, getting his wallet and taking the list from me "You'll be okay on your own?"

"When Aren't I?" I laughed getting up and giving him a cuddle as he got ready to go out by the door as he slipped on his jacket

"Okay, see you later" He smiled giving my cheek a kiss before opening the door

"Benny!" I said before he left


"Don't be long" I told him hugging him tightly

"I won't, I promise" He smiled hugging me back he pulled back and gave my lips a sweet soft kiss I held his jacket tightly not wanting him to go as we kissed till we both pulled away "stay safe" he says before hurting out the door shutting and locking it behind him.

I sighed looking at the quiet and empty flat, somehow this place had begun... to feel like home to me. It had been months since I ran off and I knew they were still desperately looking for me, begging to assume I was dead. And I liked every moment of it, Even if I hadn't stepped outside this apartment in months, Even if I spent my time doing chess and Ballet this felt so much more like home to me. Just spending my time just playing chess with Benny, doing laundry, washing up, changing the bed It all made me happy. These Tall stone walls had a warmth even in their icy chill, The Flutters of light that cascaded through the high windows in the wall causing shadows across the chess pieces and my dresses. I had spent so much of my torcherous life underground in bunkers staring at the few flickers of real light that this dirty little apartment gave me a reminder of home but not the fear of home. And With Benny around, I felt... Happy, Even if joy had once seemed impossible to me.

I tidied up and sorted the apartment cleaning up and such when a while later Benny returned "Hey Honey Bunny" He smiled to me

"Hey Benny" I smiled back He took the brown shopping bags to the kitchen counter "How was shopping?"

"It was alright, had to fight a woman for milk"

"Did you?"

"I did, there was only one left and she wasn't backing down" He explained

"What happened?" I laughed

"Well... I won't explain all you need to know is we have milk" he says putting the milk bottles in the fridge "Ohh uhh I have a surprise for you" he says as he unpacked the shopping

"A Surprise? For me?" I asked "Can I have it?"

"You can, But not yet" He says "Go get changed into your pretty dress, the one you dance in" He told me I nodded a little confused going into the bedroom and getting into my little dress and as soon as I was done I went out seeing that the room was much bigger where benny had moved some furniture around to open up much more space, Benny stood there just pushing the last chair away to the corner his shirt buttoned up completely He smiled offering his hand to me "Dobryy vecher" he smiled "Khochesh' potantsevat' so mnoy, moya ledi?"

"What do you mean?" I laughed taking his hand

"I thought you would like to dance with me" he suggested

"Dance To what?" I laughed

"I got you a little present, I found it at a Yard sale on my way to the store" He says getting something from on top of the record player showing me the vinyl cardboard cover

"The Music Of Swan Lake" I read

"I thought you would like it, as maybe a kinda birthday present," he explained, putting it back again, "So maybe we could have a dance?"

"You really mean it?"

"Of course Honey Bunny" he smiled kissing my head and starting the record player and the music starting to play, "Now I have No Idea how this works so your going to need to lead a little bit" He explained

I giggled and held his hands gently dancing with him even if he tripped over or stepped on my feet a lot both of us hardly ever in time with the music until the end of the track so I gave up and wrapped my arms around him and gave his lips a sweet and rather passionate kiss, he kissed back holding me close too as we stood kissing for a good while the next song long into the opening till we pulled away and I rested my head on his chest and he rested his chin on my head

"I'll admit I do not know the Ballet" He laughs "But I am pretty sure they don't do that at the end"

"No they don't, But I think it works" I smiled giving him a kiss. 

The American And The Russian (Benny Watts) [The Queens Gambit]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora