Doctor K: There we go, all clean and what not. Now you close your eyes and youll be right as rain. Oh and before I forget and ruin this timeline and have to start over I need you to do me one. Little.. favor..

The doctor being the nutjob they are hopped onto the table and leaned over Beth before whispering one word that sent her back into darkness.

Doctor K: ..Forget.. Until next time. You little psychopath.

Beth was unsure of how long shed been in the dark, at this point it could have been hours, weeks even years maybe shes dead and that was an illusion for the moment she dies. When she was about to give up hope she heard the honk of a car and yell of someone who was almost hit by the car, then the light came and she was suddenly walking out of a hospital. Beth took a look around and gave her joints a quick test before getting a call on her phone from Jenny.

Beth: Whatsup?

Jenny: Where the hell are you? Jasons ready to get to Juniors for the deal.

Beth: I uhh.. Im at a hospital. No name except hospital in big letters.

Jenny: Why are you at a hospital? Are you ok?!

Beth: Uhhh.. fuck, I dont remember why Im here. They mustve given me some weird shit but I feel great though so whatever they did worked.

Jenny: How are you so calm about this?

Beth: Cause Im not a pussy? Also it looks like the hospitals really close to Juniors yeah I can just walk there. Look you drive Jason to Juniors and Ill meet you there ok?

Jenny: Whatever nigga. Just.. dont be a fucking lunatic alright?

Beth: Yeah, yeah. See you then. Oh and bring more guys.

Jenny: Why?

Beth: Dunno I just have a bad feeling about this.

Jenny: Ill let Jason know. Later.

Beth started her walk down three streets before standing in front of Juniors and waited for Jason and Jenny to arrive. Waiting longer than she would have liked they arrived in ten minutes with the extra men Beth asked for.

Jason: Alright, care to tell me why you thought we would need extra guys?

Beth: Its just this feels a little off is all.

Jason: Think Juniors gonna try something?

Beth: No, Juniors not the type to mess with someone at your level.

Jason: Well you two havent lead me to ruins so far so Ill trust you. You two ready?

They nodded and lead Jason inside with the other gang members following and finding a spot to seem less obvious. Jenny walked to the entrance that was held open by Junior and stayed by the door while Jason, Beth and Junior went in while closing the door. Inside the back room they got down to business and began discussing who gets what, when, why, how much and so on.

Junior: Alright lets start with what I need. Twenty four hour security.

Jason: Of coarse, cant have my business partner stay vulnerable now can I? Obviously the pay for the protection will come from our properly proportioned split of profits.

Junior: .Right. Well I need a supply of the best if Im gonna make more cash. Im even open to drugs since I get the occasional celebrity.

Jason: Celeb money is a lot of money. If we get them talking then more will come to spend, we might even get to open more bars increasing OUR profits.

Junior: Speaking my language. What about you Beth? This is happening because of you and Jenny, what do you think?

Beth: . A bars not enough. Its a great start dont get me wrong but why stop at just alcohol? Theres also the rest of the world.

The Downtown ReapersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin