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The Stranger

First-person pov, written by Justine

"but i don't want to go!"

I say as quackity BEGS AND BEGS me to go to this party that his friend George is holding.

"but it will be so much fun! i'll stick with you and show you around! you'll be safe trust me!"

there is really nothing i can do to make him stop asking can i?


he then shouts and does a happy dance and he runs to his room to style his hair for tonight

oh great now what am i going to wear. There's nothing in my closet that is that showy and I don't want to wear a dress.

I ultimately decided on black jeans and a nice red and white striped shirt. i think brush my hair, not really doing anything fancy with it as quackity comes out and tells me it's time to go

i grab my phone, some money because you never know, and chapstick. we then head out the door and quackity calls an uber because we both know that he is not going to be sober later (pretend he can drink)

we both get to the party and this thing is PACKED TO THE BRIM. i'm telling you people are EVERYWHERE. i think the house is made out of people.

Anyways, quackity leads me to the front of the door and just walks in. i feel like that was intruding a bit but i mean, there's probably a serial killer at this party and we would have no clue

I followed quackity into the kitchen, squeezed my past all of these teens making out and probably doing crack. We then meet his "so called friend" george.

"HEY FELLLLA HOW YA DOING?" quackity says to his friend

they do a little handshake and start talking before quackity introduces me

"This is Y/N, Y/N meet george. she is a good friend of mine" he says as george looks at me

"well hello! it georgenotfound and it's lovely to meet you!" he says very drunkenly

I shake it back and smile as they both start talking again.

i'm not going to risk drinking anything here because it's probably spiked anyways. I look around at all of the decor and drink before I turn back around to see quackity and George gone.


I sigh as I don't really know what to do now. i know i won't find quackity and that i'll probably leave here alone. how fun!

there is really no safe place in this house, so I decided to go to the "safest place I can sit" place. which is the couch.

I sit down on this brown leather couch with all of these sweaty people around me, just looking at everything. i then decide to go on my phone to pass the time because i know i'll probably be here for a while.

then all of a sudden, a guy sits next to me. I look over and he is wearing black jeans and a green sweatshirt with dirty blonde hair. i mind my own business before he starts to talk to me

"having fun?" he says in a sarcastic tone

"very" i say chuckling back

he scoots a little closer as i put my phone down.

"i'm clay, but you can call me dream if you want to. everyone calls me that" he says smiling

"Well, nice to meet you dream, I'm Y/N" I say as he puts his hand out for me to shake. i shake it and we start a conversation

(time skip because will take forever if i write the convo here)

dream and i talk for a bit when he finally thinks of something.

"Hey, wanna get out of here and like get ice cream or something?"

"hell yeah" i say as we both get up and walk towards the door

I see quackity having the time of his life with his friends, so i just leave him be as dream and i both walk out of the door.

dream calls an uber and we go to a random ice cream shop

we get out and go inside and look at all of the cool flavors.

"you get what you want because i'm paying." he says while smiling and taking out his wallet

"are you sure? i can pay i brought mo-"

"I'm pretty sure," he says while giving such a genuine smile.

I smile as I get a cup of cookies and cream ice cream and he gets a chocolate shake.

we both leave the place after he pays and sees that the ice cream shop was right next to a beach

"how the heck did we not notice that?"

i say, genuinely confused because it's literally right there

"great question!" he says as he grabs my hand and leads me over towards the beach

"where are we going?" i say very concerned

"just trust me" he says as i let him take me down the little stairs towards the sand

we get down the where the sand is and go towards the water a bit. he then sits down and pats the sand in front of him


I smile and sit in front of him. He puts one arm around me while the other one is holding his shake in his hand.

"you know, you're really cool Y/N" he says, probably smiling but i can't really tell

"and you know, you're really cool dream" i say trying to mock him

he chuckles, knowing what i was doing as he already finishes his shake and puts in the sand in a way where it doesn't fall over. i then finish my ice cream and put it next to his cup

he then puts both arms around my waist and his head on top of my head

i smile as i hold his arms as we both look out into the dark sky together

i think i like this kid

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