"Sam c'mere" Devyn says getting up with Tara "why?" he asks "just come" he whines cuddling closer to me I chuckle "Sam c'mon" I wrap my arms around him protectively so he can't leave Devyn huffs and comes over and grabs his hands trying to pull him up but I tighten my grip "Colby! let go of him!" "no" I huff pulling him to me making her loose grip on his hand he giggles and clings onto my side "whatever" Devyn mumbles sitting back down Sam giggles again nuzzling his head in my chest and I wrap my arms around him rubbing his back gently resting my chin on his head and Jake gives me a knowing look and I roll my eyes sighing softly looking back at the tv. "Colby c'mere" Corey says getting up I hum and try to get up but Sam whines holding me tighter "Sam let go" I chuckle he huffs and let's go crossing his arms I chuckle and pat his thigh before getting up and following Corey to the kitchen "what's up?" I ask leaning against the counter "be honest, do you like Sam?" I sigh "Corey-" "no I'm serious, you say you don't like him but the way your acting with him says you do even if it's just teasing him your doing it too comfortably even the way you look at him.. Colby you like him" I groan rubbing my face "I'm confused" I say "about what?" he asks "I don't know if I like him.. I think I do? I-i don't know Corey" he hums "what do you feel when your with him?" I shrug "I dunno, when we hold hands there's this.. tingle? but a good kind of tingle don't even get me started on when we cuddle.. once we start I don't wanna stop, I just wanna hold him" I say with a soft smile "Colby you like him, I don't understand the problem" "that's the thing Corey I've never liked a boy I'm.. straight" I say "right?" I add confused and he chuckles lightly "from what it sounds like you like him, but if you want to know your sexuality I can't really say but from what you told me you might be bi" I sigh "but I don't like guys that way" "bi but go towards girls? I dunno Colby all I know is your most likely gay for Sam" I nod slowly and we walk back to the living room "where's Sam?" I ask "and Tara, Devyn and Jake, dude you like him" Corey says "shut up" I grumble making him laugh.


Corey and Colby leave the living room and I huff "Sam c'mon" Devyn laughs as they all stand up "fine" I mumble getting up and following them upstairs. We get to Colby's room and I sit on the bed "alright where's the clothes you brought?" Devyn asks and I point to my bag and she grabs it and they go through it looking for an outfit. "Here change" Jake says throwing the outfit at me "why?" I ask "because your gonna tease him, so go change" I sigh deeply and get up going to the bathroom and changing into the outfit. I look in the mirror looking at the outfit it being a short black skirt and a black off the shoulder crop top I slowly walk out of the bathroom "I-i dunno" I stutter having my hands behind my back as my butt is showing a little "perfect! C'mon!" Devyn says opening the door "w-what am I supposed to do?" I ask following behind them slowly "figure it out" Jake says "I-im not doing this" I say as I get to the bottom of the stairs "c'mon Sam" Jake says grabbing my hand pulling me "no Jake I-i don't want t-to" I stutter out stopping him from dragging me "you'll be fine" Tara says "I d-dont wanna" "you want him to like you don't you?" Devyn says "well yeah.. but I-I don't want to force it on him especially n-not like this" "you'll do great Sam" Jake says "wha- Jake!" I yell as he pushes me into Colby causing both of us to fall me landing on top of Colby and he groans a little "careful Sammy" he chuckles "s-sorry I-i didn't mean t-to" I stutter sitting up he hums putting his hands on my hips "j-jake pushed m-me I-i swear I didn't mean too" he chuckles softly "it's ok Sammy" I nod "are you gonna get off?" he asks massaging my hips and I blush deeply as I'm sitting on his lower stomach still and I quickly stand up "s-sorry" I stutter brushing off my skirt "very smooth bubba" Jake chuckles patting my shoulder I huff turning to face him "I wasn't ready" I whine "and that was the problem?" he asks "yes" I huff "mhm" he hums then glancing behind me "you gonna get up?" I look behind me seeing Colby laying on the floor still "hm?" he hums not looking at him "are you gonna get up?" he asks again with a chuckle "m' no.. I'm, I'm ok" I furrow my brows confused on what he's looking at Jake laughs and turns me around so I'm facing Colby fully and Colby groans looking at Jake and glaring at him "what?" I say confused "nothing Sam" Jake says with a chuckle everyone else laughing a little too "what?? Is there something on me?" I ask looking back and they laugh more "is there?" I ask turning around "no Sam there's nothing on you" Corey says "then why are you laughing?" I ask turning around "turn around" Colby groans "why?" "and why are you on the floor still?" I ask after "just do it" he says frustratedly "ok..?" I say confused "no Sam" Corey stops me "and Colby get off the floor and stop before you get a problem" Corey says after making the others laugh and I blush forgetting the skirt shows my butt. Colby mutters things under his breath as he stands up and he brushes himself off and he sits down on the couch and annoyed expression on his face and he pulls out his phone "now go sit in his lap" Jake says "wha- no!" "just go" I shake my head "he's mad I'm not sitting in his lap" I huff "he's not mad, just go sit in his lap he won't yell at you" he says pushing me forward I huff and go over to him and straddle his lap and he sighs not looking up at me and I look over at the others with an 'I told you so' look and Devyn looks at me and makes a face gesture telling me to keep trying I sigh softly and look back at Colby and he's looking at his phone I move his hands apart and hug him "what do you want?" he mumbles "nothing" I nuzzle my head in his neck "we'll get off" I whine holding him tighter "I wanna cuddle" "I'm not in the mood Sam, get off" I sigh and pull away "sorry" I mumble crawling off his lap sitting next to him leaving a gap in between us looking in my lap sad that he won't cuddle and that I annoyed him. Colby groans and pulls me into his lap "I'm sorry" he mumbles holding me tighter and I nuzzle my head in his neck "I'm sorry Sammy" he says again rubbing my back gently "it's ok" I mumble he hums "can we cuddle?" I ask and he chuckles softly "of course Sammy" I smile and crawl off his lap and he lays down and grabs the blanket covering himself up then opening it so I crawl on top of him and he covers me up and I snuggle into him and he puts his hands on the back of my thighs rubbing them up and down making me blush a little and I hide my face in his neck. He slips his hand up my skirt resting them on my butt and he squeezes it making my breath hitch he hums sliding his hands back down my thighs going back up I whine nuzzling my head further in his neck. He moves my skirt up and he hooks his finger on the waist band of my thong "a thong Sammy?" he whispers in my ear snapping it on my skin and I giggle a little blushing deeply he hums squeezing my butt again "hey guys want anything? we're getting snacks so we can watch a movie" Devyn's says "just a water" Colby says "ok, Sam?" "w-water" I stutter "ok" she says and leaves the room. Colby slaps my butt hard and I bite my lip but a small moan escapes my lips when he slaps it again and I blush embarrassed he flips us pinning my hands above my head "your such a slut Sam" I blush more "such a slut Sammy" he whispers again caressing my cheek "a hot fucking slut" he says while he drags my bottom lip out I blush biting my lip "and," he says getting close to my face "you thought it was a good idea to tease me back.. I wouldn't keep going with that plan, I'm only gonna tease you back much worse" he whispers against my lips "you wouldn't want that, would you?" he asks his lips close to mine "would you?" he asks more stern waiting for an answer "n-no..?" I say questionably he hums "you don't sound confident Sammy" he says dragging his hand down my body and I bite my lip "are you gonna tease me back?" he asks "m-maybe" he slaps my butt "are you sure?" "n-n-no" I stutter he hums and caresses my cheek "are you gonna tease me back?" he asks stern and I scan his face my eyes falling to his lips "hm?" he hums questionably dragging my lip out "y-yes" he slaps my butt gripping it after "wrong answer Sammy" I bite my lip my eyes stuck on his lips "uhh are you- um- whats uh what's happening? are we interrupting something?" Corey asks when they walk back in and I blush deeply Colby looks at me and gets close to my face "your gonna regret that" he whispers against my lips and then sits up "nope" he says smirking at me then looking at the others "are you sure?" Jake asks "yes" Colby says a little annoyed "mhmm" Devyn hums suspiciously handing us our waters then sitting down. They turn on a movie and Colby pulls me on his lap and lays down and I look at him still processing everything that happened he looks up at me and smiles putting his hands on my hips massaging them "you ok Sammy?" he asks "mhm" I hum "c'mere I wanna cuddle" he says pulling me down and I lay down on top of him snuggling into him keeping my head on his chest and he pulls the blanket over us resting his hands on my butt and we watch movies for the rest of the day.

Stop Being A Tease {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now