The photographer let out another shocking statement, "Do you also know that his family is the caused of Kana's agonizing teenage life?"

The last question gain Vin's attention, making him frown, "...What do you mean?"

The photographer turns to the staff who still stand awkwardly in front of the office. Vin let out a sigh and motions the staff to leave. Once they're alone, Vin sits down on his office chair and motions the photographer to continue without even offering a seat to the latter, "Spill."

Mike stands in front of the desk and clenches his jaw, "The longer he's staying with Sam, the higher chance they will found out about him. In fact, I think they already did found out but did nothing of it. I don't know why they haven't made any move yet. Might be because Sam's position in the family is already high and influential. He's the only reason Kana's is safe from them but also in danger if he keeps on staying with him."

"I bet Charles is already on the move, trying to reach Kana without nudging Sam. Because he knows once Sam finds him, he'll be done for. He's already receiving punishment for not telling them that time when he lost Kana 4 years ago. They had just found out about it the moment Som decided to come here to pursue Sam."

Vin tries to calm his nerve hearing the news. He then tries to process the pieces of information one by one. He starts with Sam's almost ex-fiancee, "Som is here?"

Mike nods, "She's currently trying to pursue Sam by joining the same project with him, getting help from one of the investors to get the role." he replies, leaving the information involving his family.

The taller man let out a frustrated sigh, realizing how complicated his best friend's relationship has become. He never knew by letting Kana get involve with that handsome actor will lead to this. He should've suggested Kana wait for Sam to officially break the engagement first before letting the actor start a new one with the latter. Now the young writer looks like the third person in their relationship. It's partially Vin's fault as well, for encouraging Kana to accept Sam.

But then the previous information caught his attention, "...How do you know Charles? Why did you seem to know more about him?"

Mike finally moves and sit on one of the seats in front of the office desk. The photographer fidgets with his hands, "...Charles is a distant relative of mine. His grandmother is a Ford. my father is the one who... Introduce him to them." The photographer tightens his fists, "8 years ago, they asked my father to find someone who lives overseas. My father didn't know anything since they never told him what it's for. They just told him the person will do a large favour for them, so without thinking any further, he introduced Charles to them since he knows the man needs some kind of help and he can speak Thai very well."

"My father thought they will only need him as a because they usually use other people out of their circle to do their... business," Mike states. Vin begins to feel uncomfortable after hearing the explanation. What kind of business will require such people? For sure it means they are not clean and definitely have something to do with the underground line of work.

Mike continues as he lowers his vision and gazes towards his own hands, "Turned out, they wanted to get rid of Kana from the country. Charles was offered lots of money and extermination of the crime list in exchange to adopt him."

Vin angrily stands up and punch the photographer on the nose, making it bleed as the man falls from the chair, "FUCKER! SO YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF ALL OF THIS?!"

Mike groans in pain as he hold on his surely broken nose. He gently wipes the blood and tries to explain to the fuming man, "We didn't mean to, Vin! We never knew they'll use Charles for this!"

Vin in wide steps closes the distance between him and Mike. He yanks the latter by the collar as his emotion is fueled with anger, "...Who are they?"

Mike pry off the hold as he properly stands up and breathing in and out several times, trying to calm himself. The gripping silence makes Vin becomes uneasy as his anticipation arises. He for sure know who Mike's meant. But he refuses to believe that name is the reason behind of Kana's suffering. No, it couldn't be. That name is the source of Kana's happiness. There's no way the same name is the reason for his suffering as well.

Vin shouts out of impatient, "TELL ME WHO ARE THESE FUCKERS!"

Mike eyes let out a sad emotion as he mutters, "...The Chantaviriyavit."

"...what?" Vin steps back because of shock.

"The Chantaviriyavit. They're the reason behind the adoption, Vin. They tried to sever the tie between Ede- I mean Kana and Sam. They don't want the heir to have a male to stand by his side, adding that Kana is not from a well family. They thought is a disgrace to let an orphan be together with their precious heir. That's why they tried to get rid of him before anything could get deeper between them." Mike explains while wiping the blood with his sleeve.

Vin jaw clenches as his eyes widen, not knowing what to do and who to believe. The taller man let out an angry exhale and goes to the office table to take his phone. he quickly dials Kana's number but the other line never picks up, "Fuck!" he mutters and tries again several times.

The taller man dials another number and waits for the other line to pick up. But the result is still the same. Vin's fist tightens around the phone as he turns to Mike, "That motherfucker didn't pick up his goddamn phone."

Vin let out another angry sigh as he gets out from his office, making Mike trail behind him, "Vin! Where are you going?"

Vin turns his head, "To that fucker's penthouse of course! Where else he could be?!"

Mike tries to die down the taller man's anger, "Calm down, Vin. I don't think Sam knows anything about this either. You won't find anything even if you try to interrogate him."

Vin scoff, "How on earth he won't know any of this?! His family is the one who makes Kana like this! Making him have all of this anxiety and suffering!"

Mike grabs the latter's elbow, earning the taller's man attention. Then the photographer shakes his head, "I assure you, he won't know a thing. Kana is the one you should warn. He knows Chantaviriyavit is the one behind all this, I am sure of it. There's no way he didn't know."

Vin stunned. So this is the true reason as to why Kana was reluctant to accept Sam in the beginning. Because his best friend knows, the moment he holds Sam's hand, his peaceful life will end. He feels more guilty for encouraging the best friend to accept the actor's back. The taller man harshly pulls his hand from the grip and walks out from the studio. He didn't even want to wait and explain to Mike who is now currently calling him. The taller man just hurriedly gets out from his studio and walk with big stride towards Sam's penthouse direction. For sure that's where Kana currently is.

Vin is clouded by his emotion so bad that he doesn't realize there's a man in front of him who is walking opposite his direction. The man's body collides with him, making the taller man mutter an apology. But his attempt is cut off by a sudden pain on his abdomen. He looks down and saw a handle of a knife, stuck upright on his stomach area. Red liquid starts to stain his cream-coloured sweater. All he can feel is the intense pain on his lower abdomen as hears the scruffy voice mutters, "Thanks boy toy," as the stranger pulls the knife and stab again to another spot near the previous one. The man chuckles as he pulls away and continues walking.

Mike who finally catches up to Vin, slowly approach the rooted taller man and gently put his hand to the shoulder, "Vin?"

The photographer shocks the moment he sees the knife and blood on the once cleaned garment. The red liquids quickly spread on the fabric and start to drip on the concrete walkway. Vin weakly whispers, "Charles," as he falls unconscious, the last thing he heard was the photographer's frantic voice, calling him in panic.



Should I put a warning for this chapter? I don't really know if I should.

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