9 | A Fleeting Moment

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Evanna blinked and attempted a smile, hands clasped behind her back. Anukie just stood quietly next to her brother.

"Yes, she's been waiting so long for this," Mary said, shooting Evanna a look.

Natasha took a step back. "Well, I do apologize for interrupting your meal—"

"Oh, no, it's great to see you again," Janet spoke up. "Why don't you join us?"

"We already have a reservation. How about another time?"

"Looking forward to it."

As soon as they were gone, Mary turned to her daughter. "Eva, why are you so sullen?"

"I'm not sullen!" Evanna plopped down and crossed her arms. "I—I don't want to hang out with Ookie."

Bewilderment etched Janet's face. "Evie, she's your best friend!"

"Aunt Jan, please, I don't wanna talk about it. She's changed, okay?"

"What?" Mary asked in a tone that made her displeasure known. "You have changed, you mean?"

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it!"

The sisters exchanged a look and slowly sat down.

"I don't know what's come over you, child," Mary muttered, her fork tinkling against her plate.

The background noise swelled as a tense quiet stretched out between them. A wave of emotion washed over Evanna, and she gulped down the lump in her throat.

Her mom changed the subject. "I called that Olympus place today. You have bio class tomorrow morning at eight thirty and chemistry class at eleven thirty."

Janet proceeded to add that she had arranged for two home tutors to visit on Monday and Tuesday to teach her physics and math respectively.

Evanna just sat frozen while dread weighed her down. The joy and normalcy she clung on to that evening vanished like a mirage. How many hours a week for all this on top of school and homework?

She was trapped in a strange box where what she took for granted was stripped from her and watchful eyes kept her in check. Now the walls were closing in.

Panic rolled in, and she balled her fists. She shot a glance at Mary's stern face, and the lump reformed in her throat.

Evanna excused herself to go to the restroom.

After ten long minutes, she resumed her seat and carried on eating her tasteless meal.

Evanna wished for the umpteenth time that she could just go back, crawl into bed and sleep

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Evanna wished for the umpteenth time that she could just go back, crawl into bed and sleep. She barely had time to whip up a banana smoothie with soy milk she obtained from the supermarket the night before. At least it's not the crack of dawn.

Now she ambled along a street in a pedestrian precinct in downtown Komoreby, basking in the sunlight that slanted down to warm the chilly morning, She kept checking her phone to make sure she was heading the right way.

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