Chapter 1. A world of Heroes

Start from the beginning

"You want the name of this world?" Now his voice sounds really, utterly lost.

Olivia decides to explain her situation a little bit. "Yeah, I think this guy somehow managed to teleport me into a different world. It's not my first time being in another world either. I'm from a world called Earthland."

He decides to just answer her question. Still thinking this girl somehow hit her head, like, really hard. "You're on Earth."

The Dragon Slayer sights and lets her arms hang down in defeat. "Dammit. How do I get back? Bubble could still be in danger. I hope he got away from this guy." She clenches her fist. "Next time I see that bastard, I'll beat his ass for sure!"

The man lets his eyes travel over the girl once again and stops at her eyes. He sees a fire burning in them. Completely serious and full of fury... like a storm only waiting to be unleashed. And somehow, he doesn't know why he does it, but he believes her. But if she really is from another world, she could mean a thread. Especially since she seems to hold some kind of Quirk or other power. When his eyes don't leave those of the girl who now fill themselves with sadness and he helplessly watches, as tears begin to shimmer in her eyes, he makes a decision. She is still a child, after all. And she was just separated from her whole world and everything she knew. "Why don't you come with me?"

The girl blinks her tears away, only now noticing how she drifted off into her lonely thoughts and the tears in her eyes. She wipes them away with her hand and looks at the man. "I don't really have a better option, do I?" she chuckles, sounding more sad than she hoped. Don't be like this, Vivi. Pull yourself together. You're just pathetic right now. She thinks to herself, to give her some push. Still, she never wanted to be alone again. And now she is more alone than she ever was. 

Vivi takes a deep breath to calm herself down. All right, I won't let myself get dragged down just because I'm alone right now. That's not the Fairy Tail way. I will find my way back home for sure. They are always with me, anyway, right? She touches her Fairy Tail mark, a small smile finally forms on her lips. "I will come back to you. No matter how long it takes. And I won't let myself be buried in sadness while I do that. I will smile all the way and enjoy myself until I'm home and can tell you all about this adventure. I promise this." She smiles to herself as she mutters these words. Completely unaware that she said them out loud and the men before her heard everything.

He doesn't really want to disturb her determination speech, but he doesn't really has all night either. "So, are you coming?"

A big grin forms on her face and she jumps beside him. "Of course! Where are we going? I hope it will be exciting."

He looks at her from the side, her character seems to have made a complete 360 degree turn after her promise. "Who knows? Maybe it will. What's your name?"

She smiles at him, showing her abnormal sharp canines. "I'm Olivia Moon! My friends call me Vivi. What's yours? Eraser Head is not your name right? That would be a really strange name."

"You can call me Aizawa." He simply answers while they start walking side by side.


"Wow." Olivia stares in awe at the giant building before her. Since Aizawa really didn't want to be seen by anybody, he didn't take the fastest way with the girl but went through alleys and empty streets instead.

"Welcome to U.A. high school." Aizawa says and steps through the gate. "Follow me. I'll take you to someone and we can discuss your situation in private."

She nods and follows behind him, a question forming in her mind and she speaks. "What's a high school?"

Aizawa stops in his tracks and stares at the girl. "Now you're kidding me, right? You can't tell me you don't have schools."

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